April 2018 Prayer Letter

Posted By on Apr 1, 2018 | 0 comments

Daniel and Robby Grether’s April 2018 Prayer Letter

Dear Free Indeed Ministries Intercessors,

“Waves of glory” were the highlights of March 2018
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14

I saw them in a vision on Friday morning, April 11, 2014, while Free Indeed member Joel Endress and I were meeting in our home.

I sensed and felt many pulsing waves of God’s glory hitting me. I knew the Lord was showing me what he is doing in Spokane Washington and the Inland Northwest. God’s glorious presence completely transformed this region. We became radiant with Jesus Christ. Every home was full of light. The impact started here but went on to all the peoples of the earth.

Recently glory waves have come to the forefront as what the Lord is now doing more powerfully.

On Saturday, March 10, a young friend named Nathan and I led worship at The Lord’s Ranch. I shared the vision of the waves of glory transforming the Inland Northwest. During the next few days, Nathan was experiencing mountaintop highs and valley lows. He asked the Lord what these highs and lows were and heard, “These are the waves of glory hitting and refining you.”

Click here for highlighted prayer letter: April 2018 Prayer Letter

On March 26, I shared the waves vision with two men who met with me in a prayer triplet. We prayed for each other and requested that the Lord’s waves of glory would work in each of us. There seemed to be good impact particularly in one of the them.

March 27, a good friend from Missoula come for a visit and testified that similar workings of the Holy Spirit had been breaking out in him since mid February.

March 28, Holy Spirit reminded me of the book, Quantum Glory by Phil Mason. It contains encouraging references to glory waves.

March 29, while reading Michael Cassidy’s book, Bursting the Wineskins, I came to a section called “Three Waves.” Michael is taught by Holy Spirit through watching a young man surfing the ocean waves that it is possible to miss the wave entirely, ride it poorly and fall off or catch it perfectly and ride it well until it takes you to the shore of your assignment or your well done. Let’s not miss the waves that the Lord is sending to carry us forward.

Your response to the italicized vision would be appreciated.

Virg and Mary Hoeft

Virg and Mary have been dear personal friends of ours and coworkers in ministry since 1966. And they have been valuable board members of Free Indeed Ministries Int’l from its beginning in 1997 until recently when health issues prevented them from continuing. How we love and appreciate them. They have always been God-seekers, eager to be in on what the Lord is doing.

We didn’t realize that there was only a short amount of time left to honor both Virg and Mary for their years of service. We presented them with a wall plaque that says, “Show me your Glory” and reminisced about our decades of life experiences. Then the current board enjoyed a wonderful heartwarming dinner with the Hoefts at their favorite restaurant. Virg has now seen the Lord’s glory firsthand since he “graduated” on March 20th.

Please keep Mary Hoeft and their family in your prayers. There will be a memorial service at Tri-County Christian Center in Deer Park on April 21st. Details TBA.

Prayer Requests for April 2018
Please join us in praying for the next month of life and ministry:

Our priority now regarding the waves of glory is to “Write the vision: make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” Habakkuk 2:2. Our goal is to publish what the Lord is doing among us in Spokane so that all of us can open our hearts and welcome this work of God into our homes, work places, neighborhoods and congregations until our hearts are fully cleansed of everything this is not pleasing to our Lord Jesus Christ and we are full of his radiant life.

Two of our main Free Indeed foci for prayer have been…
*Free Indeed Ministries Int’l to fulfill its calling to Spokane and the nations.
*Father to personally show up in full power Transforming Revival in our region and world.
They are both embodied in this waves of glory vision.

In everything we are doing in April, we will be seeking to “catch” these waves of the Spirit and ride them well.

In addition to what we are normally doing this month…

Sunday, April 29, 2018, 11:00 am, Daniel will be speaking at Full Gospel Mission for All Nations, 1912 E. First Ave, Spokane.

We are so blessed to have you prayer warriors and intercessors standing with us in sustaining prayer. We love and appreciate you. Thank you so much! May your reward be great.

Yours and Christ’s for a Spokane made radiant by the waves of God’s glory crashing over us that can in turn bless all the families and peoples of the earth,

Daniel and Robby Grether