Upcoming Mission Trip to Egypt

Posted By on Aug 8, 2018 | 0 comments

A Free Indeed Ministries Trip to Egypt to Dedicate a New Building for Ministry

Pastor Nathan Georggi kept sending photos of the progress of construction on the new church building in Egypt. When one photo had the caption, “Almost Done!” we called to find out how soon we would need to come for the dedication. Not having the quickly-coming date set yet, he asked, “Would you be able to buy the tickets and come with one week’s notice?” Please pray!

Dear Friend of Free Indeed Ministries Int’l,

IMG_5266A long awaited call has come from our dear friend Pastor Nathan Georggi in Cairo, Egypt, to let us know that, after countless frustrating delays, the completion of his sixth social benevolence ministry church building is in sight.  Nathan calls this one his “cathedral” because it is by far the largest of the church buildings in his organization.  This new Lighthouse has risen from the desert sands from the basement up to the main floor in a new city on the desert road between Cairo and Ismailia to the NE. The previous benevolence ministry/churches were mostly converted apartments in about six-story block-long apartment buildings, somewhat similar to what we could call “storefront” churches. As we pray and prepare to go, there is such a sense that the Lord will do a new thing in this Lighthouse building.

’Way back at the beginning of construction, Nathan invited Daniel to take part in the dedication of this new building.   It looked like that event was going to be a long time in the future, but now it seems to be coming quickly, likely toward the end of August/early September.  The invitation to come has been re-extended, this time including Robby.  We are both sensing that we are to go.  Nathan will keep us busy with speaking opportunities for both of us as well as other assignments before the dedication.  Robby will serve as cook for Nathan and Daniel, too.  She says, “It will be fun!”1994 8 DanielRobbyNathan

My (Daniel) mind goes back to August 1994 when Robby and I were teaching on marriage at Nathan’s Family Conference in Port Said. It was our first visit to Egypt and the ministry there. Nathan and his wife Lily provided the most gracious hospitality in their home as did their pastors and people in the congregations and the conference. We had known Pastor Georggi for years when he visited the States, but it was wonderful to be with these Egyptian believers who are such salt and light in their communities for the first time.

Much has happened in Egypt and the ministry since we were there together in 1994. We are pleased and excited that both Nathan and the Lord have called us to go again together. The date for the Friday evening dedication service of worship, prayer and speakers is not yet known.

May we ask you to carry us to the Lord in prayer for this travel and about seven days of ministry in Greater Cairo and El Rabia City for the dedication? Nathan asked if I would be able to drive us all around in Egypt. I said, “Yes,” in faith. Do pray! Your prayers will be greatly appreciated. 

If the Lord leads and you have a willing heart, your financial support would also be welcome. PHOTO-2018-08-02-14-17-11To give, please click here and designate your check or online gift to “Egypt Trip.”  Thank you!



We are gratefully yours,

Daniel and Robby Grether