Click here for highlighted prayer letter: #106-2 Special SPS 2017 9 27 FIMI Prayer Letter
Special Prayer Request for the…
Spokane Regional Leaders Prayer Summit
October 2-4, 2017
Dear Free Indeed Ministries Intercessors,
If you are willing and able, would you cover next week’s Spokane Prayer Summit at Ross Point Conference Center in Post Falls in prayer?
I sense the Lord saying, “Just watch what I’m going to do!”
Would you pray…
That every registrant would be protected coming, during and going from the prayer summit and that nothing would prevent them from coming.
That the Lord Jesus be wholeheartedly welcomed to do everything he desires to do in, among and through us.
That the worship draw us into the Lord’s transforming presence.
That our prayers be inspired, in step with the Spirit, assisted by angels.
That this representative group of the Church in Spokane and the Inland NW would connect well with the Father on behalf of the whole Church doing everything he is doing, speaking everything he is speaking.
That each of our hearts would be circumcised afresh and filled fully with the Lord Jesus Christ and everything that pleases him.
Registered Participants
Mark and Silia Andresen
Arlie Black
Tom and Wilma Bob
Leland, Karen and Joy Books
Steven Damerville
Fred Dent
Joel Endress
Kaleb Fisher
Bill and Cari Ford
Jerry Foster
Daniel and Robby Grether
Ron and Becky Hauenstein
Kathy Helgeson
Jeremy and Melissa Kelley
Deborah Knutson
Marc McConnell
Rand Miller
Toby Mitchell
John Repsold
Chris and Marchauna Rodgers
Denny Schlotfeldt
Michael Sheridan
Cary Snow
Celia Sogge
Toby Tobin
Kay Tronsen
David Wallace
Karen Weddle
Angel Willson
Grace Wilson
Jerry Foster
Chris Rodgers
Worship Leader
Angel Willson