Dear Free Indeed Intercessors,
“…my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” Isaiah 56:7
On a recent Sunday evening I joined in a great worship gathering of the body of Christ at “Miah’s Meadow” on Goose Chase Lane north of Spokane. Our host, messianic brother Nehemiah Rudolph, gave a winsome account of how the Israelites would talk as they journeyed to the feasts in Jerusalem three times each year. Their relationship to Yahweh was passed down this way from generation to generation. I was thrilled to be among so many young people coming into their own callings with passion, commitment, energy and high praises. We certainly experienced the joy of the “one new man,” both Jew and Gentile, that Paul spoke of in Ephesians 2:15.
This has been an amazing year to celebrate the three Biblical feasts, Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. The enemy raging like a roaring lion could not stop our Lord from calling us to join together in worldwide consecration and celebration of the first two feasts. This month of September, we will enter the season of the third, Succoth, the fall festival.
These spiritual celebrations of worship by the living stones of the house that God is building are happening in many
places. The one worldwide expression that I’m most familiar with and have been participating in is hosted by Watchmen for the Nations at They will have a four-part series weekly from September 17-October 8 called “Preparing a Dwelling Place.” My life and ministry have been changed by walking along the Lord’s highway with this expression of the “one new man” this year.
Through it all, the same Jesus who proclaimed, “I will build my Ecclesia (Church)” is gaining more ground on Planet Earth than ever.
Answered Prayers for August 2020 Answers in italics.
July 31-August 1 – A new Promise Keepers has been birthed in an Online conference these two days. Daniel attended. Men can still participate by signing in here. This new/revived Promise Keepers was the best of the old and new right out of the starting gate. They have many things running forward, bathed in prayer and aimed at discipleship. I love the testimony of the new Chairman and CEO of Promise Keepers, Ken Harrison. Watch it here.
August 3 – Joshua Joyce. This young man of God is growing strong and gaining focus.
August 7 – Joel Endress. Joel and I have walked closely together since we met by divine appointment where he works at Partners International. This young man of God, husband and father also serves as the outreach pastor at Access Church and actively on our Free Indeed team. We love each other like a father and son.
August 13 – Jonathan Lauber. This pilot in training and I are encouraged and strengthened by the sharing and praying together
August 15 – WA Kingdom Alliance prayer for Washington Stateby Zoom. These Washington State-focused prayer times are rich.
August 22-September 5 – Daniel and Robby vacation at Sam Owen Campground on Pend Oreille Lake. We will be joined by our daughter’s family with their four children for several days. It was an amazing week. The three days with our family was jam-packed full of good things. We were restored by the blue skies, the bright stars and the peace of the campground. There were special times with the Lord and opportunity to minister. Robby and I came back filled up.
Prayer Requests for September 2020 Please join in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
September 3 – Daniel and Steven Damerville
September 8-10 – Cascadia Gathering of the family at Eagle Valley, near Libby, Montana
September 11 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meets
And… Promise Keepers Encore Event will be here.
September 17, 24; October 1, 8 – “Preparing a Dwelling Place” with Watchmen for the Nations
September 19 – WA Kingdom Alliance prayer for Washington State by Zoom
Thank you for following and co-laboring with us in prayer, financial support and hands-on partnership. You are deeply appreciated!
Yours and Christ’s for the Acts 1:8 ministry in Spokane, the Inland Northwest, Cascadia and the ends of the earth.
Daniel and Robby Grether