September 2019 Prayer Letter

Posted By on Sep 1, 2019 | 0 comments

Dear Free Indeed Intercessors,

Three generations of our Grether-Morrison family ladies on the day when we and our daughter’s family biked the Hiawatha Trail in MT/ID.

Three generations of our Grether-Morrison family ladies on the day when we and our daughter’s family biked the Hiawatha Trail in MT/ID.

 August was an encouraging, faith-building and refreshing month

Not too long ago, I started blessing my wife morning and evening with the words God told Aaron to speak over the Israelites to place his name on them so that he would bless them. These blessings were helping her through a rough patch. Numbers 6:22-27

Then I read the blessing Romans 15:13 one day in The Passion Translation and sensed that it would also enliven Robby. It did. It became my morning blessing over her every day. We both find it life-giving in a time when the Lord is wanting to change us (his church) from glory to glory in every possible way. Here is what it says.

Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!

Read on for more of what the Lord under Answered Prayers.

Prayer Requests for September 2019

Please join us in praying for the next month of life and ministry:

September 6, 10:00 am, Joel Endress and I meet re: Middle East trip and much more.

Noon, John Johnson and I continue our study.

3:00 pm, My Father’s House of Prayer team meets.

September 6 and 23, the Spokane Prayer Summit team meets to prepare for this years summit, October 7-9 at Ross Point. Regional Christian Leaders are invited! Details at 

September 13, our Free Indeed Ministries Team (FIMI) meets.

September 18-19, a renewed Cascadia Gathering convenes in Vantage. Pray that the Lord will provide a solid foundation of his choice to move this regional group into the future.

September 24, 11-1, David Schaal of Every Home for Christ will be back with us for the next Loving Neighbors through Prayer Luncheon at Fourth Memorial Church. Register here.

Answered Prayers for August 2019

Answers in italics.

August 1, Daniel meets with Matt Shea to share testimonies of what God is doing. Matt and I had a positive time updating all that the Lord is doing.

August 6, 7:00 pm at the Healing Rooms, Daniel will be at National Tour: A Time to Plow, Preparing the Land for Awakening with Dutch Sheet and Chuck Pierce. This was a positive evening with Chuck Pierce talking about the season the Lord is taking us into and Dutch Sheets telling the story of Jacob turned Israel. Both illustrated the truth that our God is able to change us personally and as a people so that we can fulfill what he has called us to do. 

If interested, a video of the evening may be viewed at Cal Pierce share a vision at 50:50 minutes. Chuck Pierce, at 1:02. Dutch Sheets at 1:42, Chuck conclude after a gap from 2:19-2:21. 

August 16-20, John and Holly Roddam from Halifax will be our house guests, speaking at the RAIN luncheon on the 19th. It was so good to reconnect with these good friends in ministry and their daughter’s family that stopped by. We drove Roddams up to Faith Tabernacle in Colville Sunday where they ministered. The worship, prayer and preaching were powerful. They did a great job at RAIN on Monday as well. They are moving to Vancouver BC early December and will be more available to us in this region.

August 18-29, Free Indeed’s Joel Endress and a videographer, both working at Partners International, will travel to three nations in the Middle East to interview and take needed footage of partner ministries. Joel and Jonathan are back home safely.

August 21-29, Robby and I will be camping at Sam Owen Campground on Pend Oreille Lake. Our daughter Amy Morrison’s family will join us for several days and nights. These were amazing, wonderful, adventurous, family, ministry and re-creation days. What memories were made with Amy’s family, including our four grandchildren.  

Robby and I drove one day to the top of Lunch Peak at 6,500 feet in the mountains behind camp; what beautiful scenes along the way and vista views on top.

Robby and I drove one day to the top of Lunch Peak at 6,500 feet in the mountains behind camp; what beautiful scenes along the way and vista views on top.

Robby and I drove one day to the top of Lunch Peak at 6,500 feet in the mountains behind camp; what beautiful scenes along the way and vista views on top.

August 31-September 1, Robby and I will be part of a team offering prayer at the Spokane Tribe Pow Wow. We spent Saturday with our granddaughters watching the dancers and visiting with those in the prayer tent. We go back tomorrow to pray.

We are so grateful to have you standing with us in sustaining prayer. Much more happens because of your prayers than we can report. May your reward be great. We love and appreciate each of you so much!

Yours and Christ’s for a Spokane made radiant by the waves of God’s glory crashing over us that will in turn bless all the families and peoples of the earth,

Daniel and Robby Grether

This was the sunset coming back to our campsite from ministry in Kalispel MT.

This was the sunset coming back to our campsite from ministry in Kalispel MT.