Dear Free Indeed Intercessors,
An Unexpected Blessing
by Robby Grether
After decades of rich and satisfying service as a church pianist, in more recent years I have found myself “on the shelf,” a has-been, totally out of touch with today’s style of worship music. Even with a fine parlor grand piano in our living room, my fingers were seldom on the keys. I accepted that my day was over, the golden age of my kind of piano playing was a thing of the past – just wonderful memories.
Awhile back, God began to communicate with me using a variety of voices. First came a gentle but unmistakable rebuke: “If you aren’t going to use the gift I gave to you, I will have to take it away.” I began to sense that God had “something” for me that in due time would make itself known. And then, a prophetic word was spoken over me several weeks ago affirming that I was NOT “too old” and that God even yet has things for me to do. What, Lord? What?
Today I discovered at least part of what the new assignment might be. Quite out of the blue, a longtime friend and accomplished violist, Jenn, invited me to explore combining our musical abilities to see if we were a good fit. She brought her viola to our home this morning and the very first hymn we played together confirmed that indeed our giftings meld in a most beautiful way. It is an understatement to say that we were both thrilled! What followed was an utterly delightful hour and a half of playing song after song to an audience of One.
So what comes next? Jenn and I plan to meet on a weekly basis, keep playing, and see how God leads us. We’d be perfectly content to continue playing to our audience of One, but if He wants to expand the audience, that would be just fine with us! Stay tuned (!) for news of developments as they occur….
Answered Prayers for September 2021
Answers in italics.
The primary prayer request for September was…
September 25 – the first physical gathering of the Washington Kingdom Alliance, 10:00 am, at Life Church 7 Tri Cities in Richland WA. Last month, Robby Grether, DawnGlorielle, Anna Jenkins and I drove to LifeChurch7 in Richland WA on Saturday, September 25, 2021 to be part of about 12 members of Jesus’ Ekklesia that came together in person to pray for our state and nation. It was the first live meeting of the Washington Kingdom Alliance. We introduced ourselves briefly, prayed, worshiped, ministered to some and shared outside fellowship over lunch. I can’t put into words how glad I was that we were there in SE Washington that day.
Prayer Requests for October 2021
Please join in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
October 23 – the second physical gathering of the Washington Kingdom Alliance, 10:00-Noon with lunch following, at Access Church, 1412 W Central Ave, Spokane WA 99205 in Spokane WA. Pastor Toby Mitchell has graciously welcomed us. “Expect something powerfully good!” If you are interested in the Alliance or attending this gathering, please let me know. 509-951-1308. May everyone come that Holy Spirit is sending to Spokane “for such a time as this.”
The Ekklesia of Christ is our continuing God-given focus. After finishing Ekklesia Rising by Dean Briggs, the second book that Robby and I are studying is Ekklesia: Rediscovering God’s Instrument for Global Transformation by Ed Silvoso. It is good! I believe it will pay big kingdom dividends for us to know who we really are and what we are designed to do as Christ’s Ekklesia.
Thank you for following and co-laboring with us in prayer, financial support and hands-on partnership. You are deeply appreciated!
Yours and Christ’s for the Acts 1:8 ministry in Spokane, the Inland Northwest, Cascadia and the ends of the earth.
Daniel and Robby Grether