Dear Free Indeed Intercessors,
We are filled with awe at what the Lord is doing
“That is how the Lord rescued Israel from the hand of the Egyptians that day. And the Israelites saw the bodies of the Egyptians washed up on the seashore. When the people of Israel saw the mighty power that the Lord had unleashed against the Egyptians, they were filled with awe before him. They put their faith in the Lord and in his servant Moses.” Exodus 14:30-31
Trusting the Holy Spirit in everything sure makes life more interesting.
We were invited back to “Miah’s Meadow” for another evening of worship and dedication on September 19th. One highlight for me was the opportunity to worship closely with one particular young man in the crowd of young people. I had met him after he had been baptized at the previous gathering, heard his story and the impact Holy Spirit had on him on Pentecost this year. This time I heard how he came to Christ because of a family that gave him a job, invited him to live in their home with them and patiently sowed seeds into his life that took root. He began to recognize the presence of a loving God. As he read the Bible that had been given to him, he discovered that his host family was actually living out the commands of the Lord. Wow!
Another highlight that evening was one of the young worship leaders. I’ve known this young man’s family for years and was delighted to experience the passion he had for the Lord, worship and mission, especially since age 18. We had been hearing, “Who will go for Me?” and the response “Here I am. Send me!” There was a strong personal response of “Yes, send me!” among those of us in the tent. In fact, this young worship leader had already signed up for a Discipleship Training School. He was leaving for YWAM’s University of the Nations in Kona Hawaii in five days. What a joy it was for us to gather around him, bless him on his way and contribute to his support.
One other notable experience happened on September 28th, the evening of Yom Kippur, after Robby and I attended an Atonement service. We had just started to pray together when a text came from a Texan cowboy prophet. We stopped to look at it. When this man occasionally contacts us, it has always been a timely word that we needed. I’m going to share it with you so that you can get benefit from it as well.
His first text said, “So this evening I was talking with The Lord and I asked ‘when will the evil be dealt with’? He took me to EXODUS 14:16-31!!! Read it!”
What a great question to ask the Lord. What a great scripture the Lord gave. Its context is when the Israelites were trapped between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army. We read the passage carefully and thankfully.
His second text said, “Our Father used His sons and daughters to draw the enemy into ‘HIS’ trap and got all of the enemy into one grave!!!”
I trust the Lord will speak to you as you meditate before him. We’ve sure been blessed to know what God is able to gain by allowing us to be bait for the enemy.
Answered Prayers for September 2020 Answers in italics.
September 3 – Daniel, Steven Damerville and Charlie Bufford III. What a privilege to sit in as these two passionate younger men shared biblical strategies that are needed and being implemented here in our city. Kaleb Fisher, Steven and I were able to meet again September 15. There is strength in these strategic intergenerational meetings.
September 8-10 – Cascadia Gathering of the family at Eagle Valley, near Libby, Montana. This was a remarkable time. Lloyd Miller, leader of the amazing Amish community and part of Cascadia, invited the Cascadia group to meet there for our own meeting and to get to know the community the first night and his own family at home the next evening. Cascadia moved forward during this time together in God’s presence with more of the body of Christ.
September 11 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meets. Our time was rich with sharing. Marc McConnell agreed to meet the next Monday for our special meeting. We were able to go much deeper with more time.
September 17, 24 – “Preparing a Dwelling Place” with Watchmen for the Nations. These weekly gatherings by Zoom during the fall festival are powerfully good. Christ’s Bride is being prepared for the wedding feast.
September 19 – WA Kingdom Alliance prayer for Washington State by Zoom. This was another strong prayer meeting for Washington State and much more.
September 30 – Not requested, but answered. Robby’s 98 year-old Mom, Carol Robertson, spent September first in the hospital, then the Health Center and now in Assisted Living at the Hearthstone on Green Lake in Seattle. Our prayers were answered. She is doing better. Robby, her brother Garth and I moved all of her belongings from her 8th floor room where she was able to live for years without much assistance to her new 4th floor room September 26 and she moved in today, October 1, pleased to find that several of her best friends will be close by.
Prayer Requests for October 2020 Please join in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
Thursdays, October 1, 8 – “Preparing a Dwelling Place” with Watchmen for the Nations. I highly recommend watching “The Emerging Ecclesia” recorded on 10/1/2020. We experienced John 17:23 “perfectly one” in the Spirit during this family gathering. We prepared for Succoth-Tabernacles. We learned that Jesus will return as Bridegroom, King and Judge and what that means.
Fridays, October 2, 16, 23, 30 – Daniel and Joel Endress meet.
Monday-Wednesday, October 5-7 – Daniel and Robby will take part in the Spokane Prayer Summit at Ross Point Conference Center in Post Falls.
Friday, October 9 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meeting.
Monday, October 12 – Marc McConnell and Daniel meet.
Saturday, October 17 – WA Kingdom Alliance prayer for Washington State by Zoom.
Wednesday-Thursday, October 20-21 – Table 71 meeting by Zoom.
Thank you for following and co-laboring with us in prayer, financial support and hands-on partnership. You are deeply appreciated!
Yours and Christ’s for the Acts 1:8 ministry in Spokane, the Inland Northwest, Cascadia and the ends of the earth.
Daniel and Robby Grether