October 2019 Prayer Letter

Posted By on Oct 1, 2019 | 0 comments

Dear Free Indeed Intercessors,

Winsome Love for Jesus Softens My Heart

Friday mornings are when Joel Endress and I regularly meet. But last Friday was no ordinary meeting. I asked Joel, “Where are we as Free Indeed Ministries and where are we going?” I didn’t record his answer; I wish I had. He spoke of the unity that we have on our team, the passion for the body of Christ to be one, and a God-given gift to help that happen. Then he spoke, as he always does, of his King Jesus with such love and tenderness. He rattled off so many characteristics of Jesus, that anyone hearing the conversation would certainly have had his heart softened as mine was and would fall in love with this Jesus.

Joel had said, “We have one Lord who draws us together.” That statement brought to my mind the earliest creed in the New Covenant: “Jesus is Lord!” As a pastor, I have tried to explain these brief, powerful words regarding the one who changed everything by his coming and who rules over all. But the concept of “Lord” is not always intelligible to modern-day folks. And my attempts to explain don’t usually soften peoples’ hearts to him.

Joel’s words about his Jesus conveyed the awesome winsomeness of our Lord, Jesus. I exclaimed that his words were what everyone should hear about our Lord because those hearing would flock to him.

Joel was very kind and said, “Your words do that too, Daniel.”

Jesus said, “If I am lifted up, I will draw everyone to myself.” He has been lifted up and he is drawing everyone. What an amazing day to be alive.

Prayer Requests for October 2019
Please join us in praying for the next month of life and ministry:

October 7-9, Robby, Joel and I (Daniel) will be among those who come away for 51 hours for a worship and prayer meeting together with the Lord at the 2019 Spokane Prayer Summit, Ross Point Conference Center, Post Falls. The theme is Unity Commands the Blessing, Psalm 133. Pray for God to meet with us and that we won’t come home the same.

October 11, our Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meets.

October 17, Daniel will share his life story testimony at a Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in American meeting in Colville WA, 6:30 pm.

Answered Prayers for September 2019
Answers in italics.

September 6, 10:00 am, Joel Endress and I meet regarding his recent Middle East trip and much more. I received a personal report of Joel and his colleague Jonathan’s time in Israel, Jordan, and Morocco as they participated in and documented what the Lord is doing.
Noon, John Johnson and I continue our study. These Windows into God’s Heart expanding our understanding.
3:00 pm, My Father’s House of Prayer team meets. There was some hilarious good-hearted laughter around the room as we met.

Robby was full of the joy of the Lord at the House of Prayer

Robby was full of the joy of the Lord at the House of Prayer

September 6 and 23, the Spokane Prayer Summit team meets to prepare for this years’ summit, October 7-9 at Ross Point. Regional Christian Leaders are invited! Details at www.spokaneprayersummit.org. The preparations are paying off, registrations are coming in and anticipation is mounting for the Prayer Summit that starts this next Monday.

September 13, our Free Indeed Ministries Team (FIMI) meets. Joel gave a detailed report on his Middle Eastern trip visiting indigenous ministries aided by Partners International. It was a good experience for the two young men who saw how much workers in the harvest are doing and how many more are needed.

September 18-19, a renewed Cascadia Gathering convenes in Vantage WA. Pray that the Lord will provide a solid foundation of his choice to move this regional group into the future. Your prayers were answered. A new foundation was put under the Cascadia regional gathering. Our new understanding is that we are family, those who stand with each other through thick and thin. Worship, prayer and good relationships were top-notch. We stood uncommonly united as one. 

We were united in worship, prayer and family relationships around this table.

We were united in worship, prayer and family relationships around this table.

September 24, 11-1, David Schaal of Every Home for Christ will be back with us for the next Loving Neighbors through Prayer Luncheon at Fourth Memorial Church. Register here.

There was a good turn out and two excellent presentations by David Schaal. This was another time of unity in the body of Christ. Yes, believers in Spokane can get outside the walls, love, speak peace, pray for and share the good news of King Jesus with our friends and neighbors.

We are so grateful to have you standing with us in sustaining prayer. Much more happens because of your prayers than we can report. May your reward be great. We love and appreciate each of you so much!

Yours and Christ’s for a Spokane made radiant by the waves of God’s glory crashing over us that will, in turn, bless all the families and peoples of the earth,

Daniel and Robby Grether