Dear Free Indeed Intercessors,
The Lord sent us to Washington DC to pray on-site with insight
And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; his kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.’ Daniel 7:27
The Lord brought my attention to the invitation to this Gathering late evening, October 2nd. Both Robby and I felt called and sent “for such a time as this.” Sunday-Friday, October 11-16. Daniel and Robby traveled to Washington DC to spend the week in prayer with the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call Group at their Family Gathering.
The two of us and our group were onsite Monday, the 12th of October at 11:45 am in front of the Supreme Court as national prayer leaders spoke and led prayer for Amy Coney Barrett whose examination for the vacant seat began that day. That evening we gathered nearby in the American Center for Prayer and Revival’s basement 24/7 house of prayer for worship, introductions, and prayer for the first of several times morning and evening.
Tuesday afternoon, we prayed on the sidewalk behind the White House at the fence around LaFayette Park for our President and Executive Branch. That evening we joined the prayer call for the Judicial Branch and Judge Barrett’s confirmation on the steps and up to the front door of the Court building, looking across to the lighted Capitol building.
Wednesday we were on the backside of the Capitol’s lawn from 10-2 and the front side lawn from 6-9 pm. In all of these times, we worshiped, listened to the Lord, and shared what we heard, were led forward by our leader in biblical revelation and personal growth in consecration. As I listened that morning, I sensed that we were in a time like Daniel 7:21-22 when there was a shift and the saints possessed the kingdom.
“As I looked, this horn made war with the saints and prevailed over them, until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given for the saints of the Most High, and the time came when the saints possessed the kingdom.” Didn’t our Lord Jesus say, “It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom?”
We judged that of the three branches of our government, the one that still needed the most prayer was the Congress, both Senate and House of Representatives. On Thursday, we gathered on the grass directly in front of the Capitol Building. Robby and I along with three others were left to hold that ground while teams of two were placed entirely around the Capitol. We were connected on a Free Conference Call line to pray, share, and then together make a declaration on behalf of our nation. Afterward, we gathered for the final time on the lawn behind the Capitol. What a significant time in prayer and precious time with our brothers and sisters in our nation’s capital.
Robby and I gained spiritual strength doing what the Lord had sent us to do. If you would like to participate in an audio or video call to hear more and ask questions, please let Daniel know by replying to this email.
Answered Prayers for October 2020 Answers in italics.
Thursdays, October 1, 8 – “Preparing a Dwelling Place” with Watchmen for the Nations. I highly recommend watching “The Emerging Ecclesia” recorded on 10/1/2020. We experienced John 17:23 “perfectly one” in the Spirit during this family gathering. We prepared for Succoth-Tabernacles. We learned that Jesus will return as Bridegroom, King and Judge and what that means. October 1 focused on the Bride of Christ coming into fullness on earth “as in heaven.” October 8 highlighted the coming of the King-Bridegroom to tabernacle among us. To experience these family gatherings, click on Watchmen for the Nations and select the gathering you’d like to see.
Fridays, October 2, 23, 30 – Daniel and Joel Endress meet. It is delightful meeting with Joel Endress, the youngest member of the Free Indeed team, a mighty man of God with much wisdom. On Friday, he expressed his joy of discipling a new believer who is hungry for the Lord and growing quickly.
Monday-Wednesday, October 5-7 – Daniel and Robby will take part in the Spokane Prayer Summit at Ross Point Conference Center in Post Falls. This year’s Prayer Summit was exceptional in many ways. I’m only going to mention one particular highlight. Eight people were at the summit who are all Native American or eager to walk with Native Americans, three couples and two singles. We all sat around one table for dinner, getting to know each other, speaking words of Spirit and life to each other, becoming one like the God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are. We continued the conversation after dinner and Holy Spirit through Wilma Bob opened up plans for God’s Vision Quest Gathering, November 17-19, 2020, again at Ross Point. See November Prayer Requests.
Thursday, October 8 – Marc McConnell and Daniel meet. Marc shared prophetic insights for our upcoming trip to Washington DC and his reading assignment from the Lord, both focused on the United States.
Friday, October 9 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meeting. It was a rich meeting
Saturday, October 17 – WA Kingdom Alliance prayer for Washington State by Zoom. It was another active prayer meeting, not only praying for our state, but also for our nation and world.
Wednesday-Thursday, October 20-21 – Table 71 meeting by Zoom. The Lord is doing such great things to reach the world for Christ. When Table 71 meets, we hear the updates, and the plans and preparations for what’s coming next. The summary of what we heard was thrilling, worth celebrating and thanking the Lord greatly.
Prayer Requests for November 2020 Please join in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
Sunday-Tuesday, November 1-3 – A Day of Repentance on Sunday, and all three-days Esther Fast for our election and our nation. Watchmen for the Nation will have a Gathering “Standing for America” starting at 5:00 am PST on Zoom that can also be watched later.
Friday, November 13 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meets.
Friday-Monday, November 13-16 – John and Holly Roddam will be in Spokane staying in our home.
Tuesday-Thursday, November 17-19 – God’s Vision Quest Gathering at Ross Point Camp and Conference Center, Post Falls, ID. Those the Lord leads to attend will experience a coming together that will be fruitful. Tom and Wilma Bob, Daniel and Robby Grether, Deborah Knutson, and Neil and Dana Gamble are prayerfully seeking and following the Lord for this gathering. Please contact Daniel for more details if Holy Spirit prompts you.
Thank you for following and co-laboring with us in prayer, financial support and hands-on partnership. You are deeply appreciated!
Yours and Christ’s for the Acts 1:8 ministry in Spokane, the Inland Northwest, Cascadia and the ends of the earth.
Daniel and Robby Grether