Dear Free Indeed Intercessors,
A Better Relationship with Holy Spirit
For some time I have been sensing that my relationship with Holy Spirit was not what it should be. I was praying for the Lord to show me what to do. He answered that prayer in his inimitable way by getting Robby and me to a new-to-us congregation in Oak Harbor WA on Sunday morning, October 20th. The pastor speaking that day from Acts 2, introduced key characteristics of Holy Spirit. She also gave a very personal story of the tragic loss of two young daughters and how Holy Spirit had comforted her so completely that she is now healed and well. Her words opened up my heart. Concluding the message she asked us all to stand, hold out our hands in front of us palms up and welcome Holy Spirit’s work for several minutes.
During that time, I sensed Holy Spirit come and free me completely from every hindrance in my personal life and sphere of ministry with regards to him, creating a new level of relationship between us. It could not have been a more specific and complete answer to my plea.
The next evening in the cabin where we were staying, Robby and I had extended prayerful conversation about two areas of unsuccessful obedience in my life. With the new freedom and work of the Holy Spirit, clarity came and I agreed to completely obey what I knew to be the Lord’s directions.
After choosing to obey, Holy Spirit started to open up new revelations of what Jesus is doing in our region that I had been longing to know so that we could walk with him in them. This new joy-filled relationship continues to grow.
Answered Prayers for October 2019
Answers in italics.
October 7-9, Robby, Joel and I (Daniel) will be among those who come away for 51 hours for a worship and prayer meeting together with the Lord at the 2019 Spokane Prayer Summit, Ross Point Conference Center, Post Falls. The theme is “Unity Commands the Blessing,” from Psalm 133. Pray for God to meet with us and that we won’t come home the same. The first day, Facilitator Toby Mitchell set the stage for us welcoming the Lord’s work in our lives and relationships that would prepare us for unity. That afternoon, Toby sent us out for a private time to listen to the Lord. Afterward, most of us shared what the Lord had spoken to us and both the impact it was having already and would have additionally as we obeyed what he said. The whole time through our last session Wednesday morning was so good. We did not come back the same as we arrived.
October 11, our Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meets. It was extraordinarily good and moved us forward.
October 17, Daniel will share his life story testimony at a Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in American meeting in Colville WA, 6:30 pm. There were good connections.
Not requested, but answered:
October 18-26, Daniel and Robby were offered time in the cabin on Whidbey Island by Deception Pass. We always recharge in many ways during our days in the cabin on the beach. This time was no exception. In addition to the testimony above, I obeyed the Lord’s command at the prayer summit to start working my way through words from the Lord that have come to me over the years. Reviewing them brings a powerful impact and strengthening. And enables me to grab onto those that are not fulfilled so that I can cooperate with the Lord in their fulfillment. The key prophecy for us is the glory of the Lord working so powerfully in Spokane and the Inland NW that we radiate with Jesus, which in turn will bless all of earth’s peoples.
Prayer Requests for November 2019
Please join us in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
November 5, Daniel will participate in a reconvening of a Washington State Gathering in Vantage WA seeking kingdom impact on behalf of our state.
November 6, is our Fairwood Park ll HOA Annual Meeting. Robby has been serving as Secretary on the board.
November 7, Daniel and Robby meet with our new friends from Germany, Tom and Inge Haase, who are starting a school in Spokane, the THS Academy.
November 8, Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meeting.
November 11-12, Daniel will present a seminar on “Securing the First Missionaries for Unengaged Peoples” at Great Northern University 2nd Annual Missions Conference.
November 15-27, Our son-in-law Jamie Morrison will be in Rwanda with African Enterprise.
November 20, Robby and Daniel will participate and serve at the Spokane Tribal Elders Thanksgiving Dinner in Wellpinit WA.
We are so grateful to have you standing with us in sustaining prayer. Much more happens because of your prayers than we can report. May your reward be great. We love and appreciate each of you so much!
Yours and Christ’s for a Spokane made radiant by the waves of God’s glory crashing over us that will in turn bless all the families and peoples of the earth,
Daniel and Robby Grether