Dear Free Indeed Ministries Intercessors,
Confession of Specific Sins
A solid but neglected principle of discipleship and harvest was highlighted to me by a new friend’s testimony this month: confession of specific sins in the presence of another. (James 5:16) This has power to cleanse us from bondages. My thoughts go back to many accounts of agonizing confessions of sins like those in the young church in Korea. It hit me that this practice is often not a part of how we lead someone to Christ. My new friend pointed me to a video of a ministry that he has visited in South Africa. When the preacher and the listeners agreed that they didn’t measure up to the biblical account of what happened in the book of Acts, they went away to seek God and then repented of their sins. What happened next was astonishing. Zulus from the surrounding areas just started coming to them to get right with God. Watch the first part of this testimony by clicking on WHEN GOD COMES DOWN. Thank you, Lord, for all that you are doing to prepare your people well for the harvest.
Answered Prayers for April 2019
Answers in italics. *Asterisk: not requested, but answered.
April has our regular meetings on the calendar and a lot of room for more divine appointments. I’m greatly encouraged to re-connect with a number of younger men that I know as well as those that the Lord adds. My heart is full, my spirit is revived, my mind is challenged by all that happened in April. I connected with passionate ministry people, heard many testimonies, and reconnected with a number of key people. I took part in ISI’s Talk Time at Fourth Memorial for international students and The Gathering at Calvary for immigrant refugees. What a joy it was to meet some of the refugees from around the world and those who welcome them to Spokane with the love of Christ. I was also with Larry Whiston, Jan Foland and several worship leaders at Off-Broadway Family Outreach in West Central over three days. It was special to connect with several Ukrainian Slavic brothers, most of whom were leading worship. My heart was again overwhelmed by what happened in the mix.
April 12, 9:30-11:30 am: Our Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team comes together again for the Lord to re-align us for this new day. If you are willing and able please take a look at our Mission and Vision statements and pray the Lord do these things through us. Our meeting of the whole team was amenable and profitable. We are starting something new at our next meeting. We have invited Shawn MacKay to meet with us so that we can get to know each other.
Not scheduled yet, Robby hopes to visit with her mother in Seattle this month. Robby was led to visit Carol April 24-27, just in time to take her for medical care each of the first two days of her visit.
Prayer Requests for May 2019
Please join us in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
The month of May has our regular meetings on the calendar and again a lot of room for more divine appointments. It’s working a lot better to let the Lord lead us to the most fruitful ministry.
May 2, 7:00-8:30 am, the Annual Leadership Prayer Breakfast at the DoubleTree brings Spokane together.
May 10, 9:30-11:30 am, our Free Indeed Ministry team welcomes Shawn MacKay to join us as we begin to get to know each other better for the sake of the kingdom.
May 19, 1:00-3:00 pm, Daniel speaks at Foothills Mission Church in Elk WA.
May 22-23, key leaders from Pray Oregon, Every Home for Christ, Harvest Prayer and Light of the World Prayer Center join us in Spokane with the theme of Restoring Prayer and the Bible to the Church.
We are so grateful to have you standing with us in sustaining prayer. Much more happens because of your prayers than we can report. May your reward be great. We love and appreciate you so much!
Yours and Christ’s for a Spokane made radiant by the waves of God’s glory crashing over us that will in turn bless all the families and peoples of the earth,
Daniel and Robby Grether