March 2024 Newsletter

Posted By on Mar 22, 2024 | 0 comments

Daniel and Robby Grether

Dear Friends of Free Indeed Ministries,

Thank you for praying for my wife Robby in my absence. You’ve often prayed for her mother Caroline Robertson, as well, who lived to 101 1/2. Robby and Carol loved each other so much, calling each other every possible day. Carol finally received the answer to her long standing prayer. She peacefully graduated to heaven the evening of Valentine’s Day, 2024. Robby and I led her memorial service at The Hearthstone on Green Lake, Seattle, Sunday, March 3. It was a wonderful service with friends that live there, long-term friends of the family and a good number of her descendants. It was a great family time during our days together. Robby was responsible for Carol’s affairs before she died and is now responsible for the estate affairs. She is grieving the loss of her mother. Please keep praying for her.

There is such a focus on the Kingdom of God now. I’m glad Robby reminded me the kingdom of God is “righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit!” Romans 14:17. 

The kingdom-minded Cascadia group in this region that you have heard about in our earlier posts, will be meeting April 9-11, 2024 at Ross Point Conference Center in Post Falls, ID.

One strong nationwide kingdom movement is Don’t Mess with our Kids! It is A Call to the Capitols in all 50 states on April 13, 2024, 1-3pm. We are active in this movement and are personally going to be at the Capitol in Olympia with many others from our Spokane congregation. Perusing the website above is quite rewarding.

I’m pleased to report that our Free Indeed Ministries International website, has been slimmed down, cleaned up and updated to 2024. I would be glad for you to visit it now. We believe that “FIMI” is being revived, renewed and moving into a new season. I would love to connect with anyone who is feeling moved by Holy Spirit to be closer connected as we continue “Knitting the Ekklesia (Church) together in love by equipping leaders, connecting communities and catalyzing movements.”

Thank you again for standing, praying and supporting us and this ministry. Holy Spirit and you keep us going.

Yours and Christ’s for the Acts 1:8 ministry in Spokane, the Inland Northwest, Cascadia and the ends of the earth.