Dear Free Indeed Intercessors,
It’s time for Mordecais and Esthers to arise and reign
“…who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” – Esther 4:14
The Feast of Purim,* which has its roots in the time of Esther and Mordecai, was celebrated Thursday evening through Friday, February 25-26. It seems like the Book of Esther (an exciting and easy read) and its key people are being talked about in many places.
The key players in Esther are Persian King Xerxes, his beautiful Jewish bride Queen Esther, her cousin Mordecai and the wicked adversary, Haman. Haman became so angry with Mordecai, the Jew, who refused to bow before him that he set out to kill all the Jews in the 127 provinces of the worldwide Medo-Persian empire. This, incidentally, would have been the end of all God’s people and everything that he had promised them.
Read the story in Esther of the miraculous way Haman and his evil plans were overturned, the real enemies of the Jews were destroyed, and the Gentile empire ended up with both a Jewish Queen and a Jewish Prime Minister, Mordecai, which brought great prosperity to all. And… a multitude of anti-Semitic Gentiles became Jews, part of the family of God.
There are many similar things going on right now in countries around our world including our own. Wicked “Hamans” are intent on persecuting if not annihilating God’s people. We stand in desperate need of those prepared “for such a time as this” like righteous, faithful Jews in exile, Mordecai and Esther. Some of us may be part of this company.
God is not even mentioned in the Book of Esther, but his actions can’t be missed by those who put two and two together. The Lord is also doing many things “underground and out of sight” today. But they will come to light and be recognized by those who love and trust him, knowing that his throne is built on righteousness and justice. And that his word never comes back void, but always accomplishes the purpose for which he sent it.
May we be faithful to do what the Lord has prepared for us to do in “such an amazing opportune time as this.”
Answered Prayers for February 2021
Answers in italics.
Fridays, February 5f – Joel Endress and Daniel Grether meet. Our meetings mutually strengthen us. Joel and I were also blessed to meet together with Kaleb Fisher on Friday, the 26th. We were “a threefold cord that couldn’t be broken.” These powerful small meetings are the “unity kernels” with Jesus at the core that spark and spread revival fires.
Tuesday, February 9 – Spokane Prays Spring Breakfast at Fourth Memorial Church. A good-sized group of pastors and leaders gathered. It was wonderful to be together personally with other Spokane pastors rather than just on Zoom. Pastor Alec Rowlands spoke passionately about revival and invited us with tears to a Revival Fire: Church Awakening Conference in mid-March. Many from our area plan to go.
Friday February 12 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meeting. We few “stoke the revival fires” when we meet.
Monday-Tuesday 15-16 – Table 71 meeting by Zoom. As we move into our third decade of working together, there is incredible strength, capacity and unity. This enables us to move forward faster and in more effective ways to get the Gospel to every population that has no believers or churches.
Saturday, February 20 – WA Kingdom Alliance Strategic Prayer Gathering. Strong prayers came out of every one of the 12 Zoom “boxes,” with each one or two praying powerfully as Holy Spirit led.
Prayer Requests for March 2021
Please join in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
Wednesdays, March 3f – The Aqueduct Project Board of Intercessors. This is a new, delightful weekly assignment for Daniel.
Thursday, March 4 – Local pastors meet with national BGEA leaders to consider having a Will Graham Festival in Spokane next year.
– Daniel presents Table 71 to Dave Beine’s class at GNU.
Friday, March 5 – Steven Damerville and Daniel meet.
Friday March 12 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meeting
Thursday-Friday, March 11-12 – Revival Fire: Church Awakening Conference at Westgate Chapel in Edmonds WA, either by attending or live-streaming.
Saturday, March 20 – WA Kingdom Alliance Strategic Prayer Gathering.
Thank you for following and co-laboring with us in prayer, financial support and hands-on partnership. You are deeply appreciated!
Yours and Christ’s for the Acts 1:8 ministry in Spokane, the Inland Northwest, Cascadia and the ends of the earth.
Daniel and Robby Grether
* There was a very special celebration of the fast and feast of Purim February 23-25 that concluded with a worldwide gathering of the Church by Zoom. It was long, but well worth attending. This is the link to the recording: