Dear Free Indeed Ministries Intercessors,
During the Sonrise Apostolic Meeting our plenary speaker spoke every day about the good news of King Jesus and the kingdom of God that is now active and advancing on planet Earth. Jesus said, “I will build my Church,” but that is what we usually try to do. He told us instead to proclaim the good news of the kingdom.
There was such a group of kingdom-minded people at the meeting sharing testimonies with all of us that we experienced many vivid examples of what our speaker was saying. All of this instructed, inspired, focused and stirred me up to do what I’m called by the Lord to do.
One experienced brother, taking his turn to share, paused, waited quietly on the Lord while inviting Holy Spirit to come. Soon the room filled with the powerful felt presence of God. Our brother instructed us to listen to the voice of God that was now speaking deep inside of us. I listened and heard loudly, “Daniel, Go for it! Pull out all the stops! Don’t hold back!” Wow! Yes, Lord!
Answered Prayers for February 2019
Answers in italics. *Asterisk: not requested, but answered.
February 1: Joel Endress and Daniel meet as Free Indeed.
Joel and I scheduled the October 7-9, 2019 Spokane Prayer Summit emails for this year that he will write and I will help edit.
February 13 and 27, 6:30-8:30 pm: Missionary friends home on furlough have been led to train willing disciples in Spokane to Abide in Christ, working as missional teams to make disciple-making disciples. Pray that Spokane will receive this God-given DNA to work in the harvest field during the nine weeks of this biblical-practical training going into March.
The sessions I’ve been able go attend have been precious and valuable. We are receiving the DNA.
February 5-8: Robby with her mom in Seattle; Daniel at the Sonrise Apostolic Meeting at Sonrise Christian Center in Everett, WA.
Robby and her Mom had a good visit. The three-day Sonrise Apostolic Meeting was powerfully good. The Lord’s timing was perfect. The personal and prophetic impact on me, profound. Existing relationships were renewed and new ones strongly initiated with people serving around the world. I became more fully equipped for my work in Spokane and the nations than ever. I’m eager to walk out that kingdom calling every day.
February 15: Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meeting when Mary Hoeft rejoins us.
We were not all able to meet on this date, so we postponed the team meeting till March 15. Instead, Joel Endress and I met, updated and debriefed what happened at Sonrise.
February 19-22: Daniel and Robby are part of Table 71 meeting at YWAM Kona, Hawaii.
We heard so many amazing missions accounts and reports of the kind that used to cause Bill Bright to say, “Our ears are not worthy to hear such things!” Let me share one such story about Eradicating Bible Poverty.
At the Banyan Coffee Shop the day after Table 71, we were greeted by a Norwegian lady I had prayed for the night before at the weekly all campus Ohana gathering. After sharing her family’s personal miracle story, she told us that a new generation of YWAMers are presently offering new Bibles to a new generation in every home in Norway. We were thrilled because we’ve come to clearly understand that the Bible is “The Book That Transforms Nations.” Placing heart language Bibles in usable format in every home of the world will pave the way for Holy Spirit to usher in the greatest kingdom impact and largest harvest ever. Please visit End Poverty Now to learn more and be a part.
It is impossible to adequately describe the depth of the relationships formed around this “table” during the three annual meetings during the last 20 years. It’s a small group of leaders of organizations. Each is focused on doing their own part to complete the Great Commission that our Lord gave us 2,000 years ago by assuring that every previously Unengaged Unreached People Group (UUPG) in the world receive its first missionaries. Our simple goal is zero, that there will be no people on earth without someone who is bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ, his kingdom and church to them. The last UUPGs should have their first harvest workers soon. Will all the Great Commission work all be done then? No, but it will finally all be started!
Prayer Requests for March 2019
Please join us in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
March 6, 6:30 pm: Abiding in Christ and Making Disciples Training continues on Wednesday evenings.
March 12, 2-3 pm: Daniel presents the Table 71 mission partnership to Dr. David Beine’s class at Great Northern University.
March 15: The Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meets. Pray that we can shift well into the new day that is upon us.
March 17, 10 am: Daniel is speaking at Faith Tabernacle in Colville WA. Pray that he will have the Lord’s message for this congregation.
Unscheduled, led by the Spirit: Pray that we will “care for the little ones” as God commanded and be led by divine appointments to the other kingdom connectors in the Inland Northwest.
A Special Offer for you
Daniel spoke on Abiding in Christ, John 15:1-17, Sunday morning, February 24 at New Covenant Fellowship. The message may be heard or downloaded at
The children’s blessing was given before I spoke.
We are so grateful to have you standing with us in sustaining prayer. Much more happens because of your prayers than we can report. May your reward be great. We love and appreciate you so much!
Yours and Christ’s for a Spokane made radiant by the waves of God’s glory crashing over us that will in turn bless all the families and peoples of the earth,
Daniel and Robby Grether