June 2020 Prayer Letter

Posted By on Jun 2, 2020 | 0 comments

Dear Free Indeed Intercessors, 

Pentecost: An Outpouring of Love

I first heard about the “Spirit of Love” decades ago though a Presbyterian church in Tracy, California. A family from that congregation had come to our church in Santa Clara and shared their testimonies with several of us. I was intrigued and went with others to Tracy for a midweek prayer meeting where the speaker was “Mr. Pentecost,” David DuPlessis.

Tracy was a rural town, but at least 100 came to prayer, including pastors from several denominations and some local prostitutes who had been led to the Lord by our host pastor who was filled with this “Spirit of Love.” I had been in prayer meetings before, but I had never seen the kind of love I saw in everyone for everyone else in that room. David DuPlessis gave a simple, memorable teaching on the manifestations of the Spirit in I Corinthians 12. Then we were asked if we would like prayer to receive this Holy Spirit. 

I knew my home congregation believed much the same as the congregation we were visiting, but we were like those Paul found in Ephesus that had “not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” (Acts 19:2) We had seen his name in the Bible and confessions but had little experience with him. The believers in Tracy were visibly full of overflowing love and they credited this loving Spirit as its source. I wanted this extraordinary love for myself, so I received prayer for this Spirit of Love to come and work in me. The Holy Spirit that entered my life then with joy and fire is still Christ’s life in me today. 

One blessing of being shut in because of the virus this spring has been worldwide meetings of the Church on Zoom. Watchmen for the Nations hosted several such family gatherings including one at Passover and one at Pentecost. I took the time to participate in them. We realized that the Passover this year, celebrated in our homes worldwide, was possibly more like the first Passover in Egypt than any since. The significance of that first Passover and Pentecost was great. Hundreds of years later, the Passover when Jesus as the Lamb of God sacrificed his blood and at Pentecost poured out the Holy Spirit inaugurated the new covenant. Now, almost 2,000 years later, it appears we have just experienced another very significant and now worldwide Passover and Pentecost.

God is on the move! We are being prepared and propelled to move forward with the Lord more strongly than ever. The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Can we together say, “Here am I, Lord. Send me!”?

Answered Prayers for May 2020 Answers in italics.

Friday, May 1 – Global Prayer Together GO2020 via YouTube and Facebook. GO2020, the long-awaited focus on discipling the world in the month of May, arrived after the coronavirus which had already tenderized the populations of the world turning many to the Lord. The Church’s evangelical heart for the lost was released.

Tuesday, May 5 – Cascadia Gathering via Zoom. It was good to stand together for this region.

Friday, May 8 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meeting via GoToMeeting. The Lord was in this meeting empowering effectual prayers.

Thursday, May 14 – The Unveiling: On Earth as it is in Heaven. This was a key global meeting with leaders opening their hearts, which brought heart circumcision and repentance in those of us that participated. All of us in the Church needed and also received heart work from the Lord between this Passover and this Pentecost, didn’t we?

Saturday, May 16 – Washington Kingdom Alliance meets via Zoom. This initiative for Washington State moved forward with this monthly call and strong early morning prayer the last seven days of the month preparing for Pentecost.

Thursday-Friday, May 28-29 – Table 71 meeting via Zoom. The reports covering the world from table partners acknowledged the struggles during this traumatic season but testified to the great, fruitful things that the Lord and his people are doing. One example was The Send in Brazil. There were three well-attended stadium events to send young people as missionaries like God sent Jesus. Because of the virus, the following planned events were done only online but had millions of viewers and many commitments.

Thursday, May 28 – The Outpouring: Jerusalem to the ends of the Earth (Shavuot-Pentecost) Gathering via Zoom. This gathering of God’s family for a worldwide Pentecost gathering like Passover was 50 days earlier, bookends the beginnings of an awesome new era and great harvest. A time when Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20-23, that we become one like he and his Father are, is being answered. It is the time that the “one new man” of Ephesians 2:14-16 is being knit together in love, when the Jewish and the Gentile branches are learning to honor each other. And the bride of Christ is being prepared and clothed.

Prayer Requests for June 2020 Please join in praying for the next month of life and ministry:

Friday, June 4, 19, 26 – Joel Endress and Daniel Grether meet.

Wednesday, June 3 – Daniel and Robby Grether meet with Neil and Dana Gamble regarding God’s work in and through Native Americans/First Nations.

Friday, June 12 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meets

Thank you for following and co-laboring with us in prayer, financial support and hands-on partnership. You are deeply appreciated!

Yours and Christ’s for the Acts 1:8 ministry in Spokane, the Inland Northwest, Cascadia and the ends of the earth.

Daniel and Robby Grether