Dear Free Indeed Ministries Intercessors,
The strongholds are coming down!
“The strongholds are coming down!” was part of Joel’s prayer-declaration as we concluded our visit at noon Friday. All of his prayer was full of Holy Spirit, but this phrase was highlighted in my spirit. Victorious faith was revived as Joel prayed. Little did I know how quickly this prophetic declaration would soon bring great freedom.
That same afternoon, my accountability partner and I met. We both needed to and did speak openly and honestly about our current struggles, but also what the Lord is doing and teaching us. The Lord had recently freed Denny up from insecurities that were preventing him from speaking the truth in love powerfully; he is walking in new freedom to tell that truth. His testimony convicted me deeply. As kingdom messengers, we need to tell the whole truth, good and bad.
As we discussed a couple of things, I realized that I recently violated everything we are told in Philippians 2:3, again, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” (ESV). I repented.
The Lord helped us both get solid in our understanding, more free and focused to align with the Lord’s design for our lives. The enemy of our souls lost a lot of ground that day; strongholds lost their grip. We both left feeling lighter and much encouraged, back on track for the kingdom work to which we are called.
Answered Prayers for May 2019
Answers in italics
May has our regular meetings on the calendar and again a lot of room for more divine appointments. It’s working a lot better to let the Lord lead us to the most fruitful ministry. There were amazing more divine appointments that are bearing good fruit in our lives and ministry than are reported here. Thank you for praying!
May 2, 7:00-8:30 am, the Annual Leadership Prayer Breakfast at the DoubleTree brings Spokane together. The banquet room at the DoubleTree filled with the presence of God when Rodney opened in prayer continuing during the worship that followed and intertwined with the prayers. We all sang “Lord, I need You, Oh, I need you…” over and over with open hearts. Erin Jones’ testimony carried deep impact; I was reduced to tears as she recounted a recent family reconciliation. This gathering where the Church of Spokane comes together each National Day of Prayer is always worth attending.
May 10, 9:30-11:30 am, our Free Indeed Ministry team welcomes Shawn MacKay to join us as we begin to get to know each other better for the sake of the kingdom. It was a good first meeting of Shawn with our team. He shared his testimony succinctly and well. The five of our team present got to share and respond. I was delighted when Shawn inquired about our monthly meetings and said he would like to keep coming. I’m looking forward to all of us gaining strength as we stand together.
May 19, 1:00-3:00 pm, Daniel speaks at Foothills Mission Church in Elk WA. The Lord was gracious as I cried out to him for the word that he wanted delivered. In a tiny but real Holy Spirit glimpse, I was pointed to “Jesus is drawing everyone to himself.” What a privilege to study John 12:31-32 in depth. “The time for judging this world has come, when Satan, the ruler of this world, will be cast out. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” (NLT) The message greatly encouraged me. Knowing that Jesus has been lifted up in crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, reign and outpouring of Holy Spirit, we also know that he has been drawing all people to himself ever since and is still. What stops us from doing what he is doing with him, led by the Spirit to encourage everyone as they are being drawn to Christ?
May 22-23, key leaders from Pray Oregon, Every Home for Christ, Harvest Prayer and Light of the World Prayer Center join us in Spokane with the theme of Restoring Prayer and the Bible to the Church. By the time 100 of us gathered for lunch and God’s work among us at Mosaic Church downtown, the theme had become “Loving our Neighbors through Prayer.” It was a powerful gathering of the body of Christ here with our guests that came. One participant reported that her pastor, who was there as well,“preached the following Sunday a wonderful, exciting message about changing our focus to personal prayer, commitment and evangelism. He is very on fire from the Every Home for Christ lunch. Our new Vision Statement for the church has been changed to include Making Disciples through evangelism.”
Prayer Requests for June 2019
Please join us in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
June 1-June 3, Robby will be with her mother Carol in Seattle on her 97th birthday Monday.
June 2, Sunday afternoon, Yuri Anischenko and Daniel share kingdom conversation over a meal.
June 5-6, Table 71 meeting in Orlando. We will be working on three new “zeroes” from our last meeting: Kingdom Workplace Mobilization, Proclamation and Church Mobilization.
June 14, Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team and Shawn meet together. Pray also for the Lord to clearly lead us to the other young men and women that he has in mind to work closely with Free Indeed.
June 17, Peter Carlson of Corvallis, Jason Hubbard of Bellingham and Daniel Grether of Spokane (with an additional person from each city) will have our first hour of three cities triplet prayer by Zoom.
June 20-24, the descendants of my parents, Fred and Sarah Grether, are converging on Spokane for a Grether Family Reunion.
June 21, our 16-year old grandson, Nate Morrison, departs for his 5-week Royal Servants Mission Trip to Costa Rica.
We are so grateful to have you standing with us in sustaining prayer. Much more happens because of your prayers than we can report. May your reward be great. We love and appreciate each of you so much!
Yours and Christ’s for a Spokane made radiant by the waves of God’s glory crashing over us that will in turn bless all the families and peoples of the earth,
Daniel and Robby Grether