Dear Free Indeed Intercessors,
Growing in Strength
Following the Lord is exciting. We never know what will happen during a month of ministry. Thank you so much for holding us up in prayer, including these “unexpected” things.
During the time Robby and I were praying together on Monday evening, May 4th, the Lord showed me “a picture” of a team of people working together on kingdom strategies, not just me alone. I was delighted. I immediately had some ideas, mostly of young men, who could be on such a team. But before I could begin to gather such a team in Spokane, Holy Spirit reconnected me with a good friend from the past, David Bodine, on June 8th. Dave and I immediately sparked each other as we updated our stories; there was no doubt that the Lord had put us together for such a time as this.
Dave invited me to come to a meeting of one of the strategic groups of apostles and prophets that he was convening on Zoom. The topic that Friday was Discerning Gilgal (Joshua 5:1-9). He invited me to that call especially because the Lord had introduced us to heart circumcision earlier. (Spiritually, we consider Spokane to be a Gilgal, not for physical circumcision, but spiritual heart circumcision.) The personal testimony I brought about heart circumcision was well received by those on the call that week and the week following . As we compared notes with each other before the Lord, we all learned more than we had previously known about “Gilgal.” And the Lord got to do more heart work in each of us, for such a time as this.
This was a living example of the team of people I had seen in the Spirit back in May regarding discerning kingdom strategies. These folks were modeling for me a life of not working on our own but rather following the ark of the covenant. I love following the Lord! This is the only way for us to get to where the Lord wants us to be.
While preparing this letter, I realized that the young men I was thinking about would most likely be the very ones I’m already connected with that would most likely be glad to come together for such a kingdom purpose. More on this to come!
Answered Prayers for June 2020 Answers in italics.
Wednesday, June 3 – Daniel and Robby Grether meet with Neil and Dana Gamble regarding God’s work in and through Native Americans/First Nations. Robby and I were equipped, blessed, and ministered to through word and healing touch by Neil and Dana and a younger couple, Jeff and Roxanne. We came away in much better condition to do what we are called to do.
Friday, June 5, 19, 26 – Joel Endress and Daniel Grether meet.
Friday, June 12 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meets.
The regular weekly times with Joel and monthly times with all of our Free Indeed team keep things moving forward.
Prayer Requests for July 2020 Please join in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
(Zoom is a computer app that allows people around the world to be in a face-to-face meeting on the Internet.)
July 3 – Discerning Ziklag by Zoom for USA and Europe.
July 7 – Cardinal Points NEWS by Zoom, for Tacoma, Seattle and Spokane.
July 9 – Jonathan Lauber, a student at Moody Aviation Spokane.
July 10 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meeting.
July 18 – WA Kingdom Alliance by Zoom for Washington State.
Thank you for following and co-laboring with us in prayer, financial support and hands-on partnership. You are deeply appreciated!
Yours and Christ’s for the Acts 1:8 ministry in Spokane, the Inland Northwest, Cascadia and the ends of the earth.
Daniel and Robby Grether