Dear Free Indeed Ministries Intercessors,
Holy Spirit was very active in us and our area in December. Let’s jump right into what our awesome King Jesus did.
Answered Prayers for December 2018
Answers in italics. *Asterisk: not requested, but answered.
*December 1-2: Stephen Mbogo, the CEO of African Enterprise from Kenya, was with us in Spokane, thanks to our son-in-law, Jamie Morrison, Executive Director of African Enterprise USA. Stephen is a powerful evangelist and strategist for additional kingdom work in Africa.
December 3: Mondays 6:00-8:00 pm are our regular hours to pray in My Father’s House of Prayer. One Monday night, missing the normal brightness and presence in the House, we looked to King Jesus and prayed in the Spirit for a season. The response from the Lord again joyfully filled us and the House with his presence and a bright sense of angels.
*December 4: My accountability partner, Denny Schlotfeldt, spoke a word that set me free from a “funk.”
*December 5: Young Pastor Josh Bingle shared a testimony about the Lord surprisingly freeing him up so that he is more “free indeed” than ever. That testimony of Jesus released a Spirit of prophecy that led to Holy Spirit surprisingly freeing me up wonderfully from something I wasn’t aware of. What changes that produced in both of our ministries. I’m confident that it isn’t just in us; he is working strongly in the Spokane area.
December 7: Friday morning, the Free Indeed Ministries Team meets. This was a meeting of joy, laughter, testimonies, ministry and encouragement. We all learned something, shared something, connected and grew.
December 8: Shawn MacKay and I had another good update from both of our lives. It is so valuable in God’s kingdom work to have the generations strongly connected and encouraging each other.
December 13: We serve at the Spokane Tribe Elders Christmas Dinner. Another good time of building relationships and serving the Tribe. We met again and prayed with our new tribal friend, this time in her home. It is good to be able to stand together for the land and people.
December 14: 10:00 am, Joel Endress and Daniel meet for Free Indeed Ministries.
Noon, John Johnson and Daniel, spiritual partnership.
3:00 pm, we are part of the My Father’s House of Prayer team meeting.
These regular meetings often build on each other for stronger kingdom impact.
*December 19: This afternoon I was introduced to someone I had been eager to meet, Native American haircutter and pastor-in-training, Randy Artz. He is starting a dinner-church at the West End Community Center on the Spokane Reservation.
December 20: regular Thursday, 7:30 am, morning prayer at the Union Gospel Mission.
9:00 am, triplet prayer with Tim Reinbolt and David Wallace. These were good times of prayer and comparing notes.
*December 22: Jeremy Morris, returning from East Africa, met with Daniel. The Lord is leading him and his wife Jenell to share with us here what he has been teaching them on the mission field there about Abiding in Christ and making disciples who will disciple others. There will be an information meeting soon for those interested. May what they impart to us empower us as part of the Harvest Network on our mission field “here” or “there.”
*December 24: Our new Chinese-American friend joined us for sharing and prayer at My Father’s House of Prayer for all Nations. It was thrilling to hear her testimony of her calling to China and what has transpired already. And to pray together for her soon return to ministry in China.
December 26-30, a few days following Christmas: Visit with Robby’s 96 year-old mom Carol and brother Garth in Seattle. This was a valuable and needed time with family. Providentially, ministry leader Rodrick Gilbert and family members from New Delhi, India, were in the area at the same time to visit with their two children who live in Everett. Daniel spent a wonderful, significant evening with the Gilbert family.
Prayer Requests for January 2019
Please join us in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
January 3-5: Daniel and Robby have three days caring for four grandchildren while their parents have a refreshing getaway.
January 5: Daniel will be sharing during a worship time at Larry and Reseda Dubay’s in Chattaroy, 1:00 pm.
January 9-10: A Cascadia Coalition regional gathering at Horizon Church, Seattle.
January 11: 10:00 am, Joel Endress and Daniel meet for Free Indeed Ministries.
January 17: 7:30 am, regular Leaders Prayer at Union Gospel Mission
9:00 am, Prayer Triplet
January 18: Free Indeed Ministries annual board meeting.
Noon, John Johnson and Daniel, spiritual partnership.
3:00 pm, we are part of the My Father’s House of Prayer team meeting.
January 31: Our thanks to God as Robby and I celebrate our 53rd wedding anniversary.
We are so grateful to have you standing with us in sustaining prayer. Much more happens because of your prayers than we can report. May your reward be great. We love and appreciate you so much!
Yours and Christ’s for a Spokane made radiant by the waves of God’s glory crashing over us that will in turn bless all the families and peoples of the earth,
Daniel and Robby Grether