Daniel and Robby Grether’s Free Indeed Prayer Letter-January 2018
Dear Free Indeed Ministries Intercessors,
Our last Thursday morning prayer meeting was so good, in prayer, the Lord’s presence, ministry to each other and a strong sense that God will do greater things among us in 2018. I went directly from the Mission to the My Father’s House of Prayer to spend the day with Scott McConnell, construction supervisor, on a construction project in the basement. We first worshiped, prayed, compared notes and then had a wonderful time laboring together. Scott is the primary one restoring this old Victorian house; for me, doing something successfully with my hands is satisfying. We accomplished getting the beam in place that was needed prior to completing the bathroom on the main floor. What a lift from the Lord we both experienced regarding the House of Prayer. There is nothing more encouraging than the body of Christ in Spokane coming together to work on this house where we will also be worshiping, praying and joyfully interceding shoulder-to-shoulder.
For original format letter: #110 January 2018 FIMI Prayer Letter
Answered Prayers for December 2017
1. REQUEST: Friday, 12/1/17, 10:00 am, Daniel and Joel Endress, regular Friday Free Indeed meeting. Pray for ongoing revelation of what the Lord is doing and saying so that “FIMI” can keep in step with the Spirit.
ANSWER: Holy Spirit led us through an amazing conversation of testimonies and discouragements, hope deferred and hope restored (Proverbs 13:12), depression and deliverance, hearing God’s voice and seemingly not hearing it. The Lord is working deeply in the “thoughts and intents” of our hearts. He, we believe, is preparing his Church in Spokane to hear of the radiant glory of Christ that our Father has prepared for this region.
3:00-5:00, My Father’s House of Prayer team, regular Friday meeting. Pray for forward movement in getting this physical and spiritual house built and in full service.
ANSWER: With restored relationships, renewed hope and the Lord’s vibrant work in each of us, there is again forward movement as we meet together. Work on the restoration of the house is moving forward. Look here.
6:00-midnight, every Friday evening, an open session worship and prayer time in My Father’s House of Prayer is led by Rand and Becky Miller. You are invited. Come and go as you are led; stay for the whole time for the full blessing.
ANSWER: Simply stated, those who come and participate in the worship, prayer, fellowship and relationship building are being transformed and were again on Friday evening.
2. REQUEST: Saturday, 12/2/17, 9:00 am, Daniel meets with Mike Sheridan, Spokane Prayer Initiative. Pray for this growing relationship to thrive and produce good fruit for the kingdom.
ANSWER: The Lord met us powerfully during our time together.
3. REQUEST: Monday, 12/4/17, RAIN NW Annual Christmas Dinner at Canaan Buffet, 6:00 pm. Dr. Bruce and Reshma Allen will be speaking. RAIN monthly meetings led by Jerry and Chip Foster are a “watering hole” for me as people in ministry gather and share. Likewise, the testimonies from Bruce and Reshma are uplifting. You are welcome. Pray anointing on this gathering for kingdom expansion.
ANSWER: The anointing for kingdom expansion was there. Bruce Allen told one story that captivated me of worship gathering of 100,000 people in the Philippines. The crux for me was a spiritual altar was there. Bruce was led by the Spirit to present himself along with everything of his on the altar. Our God, who is a consuming fire, consumed everything that needed to go and refined everything that should stay and a “flaming fire” was added to Bruce’s spirit. I, by faith, placed myself on the altar as well for the Lord to do the same work in me.
4. REQUEST: Thursday, 12/7/17, morning Prayer at the Union Gospel Mission, 7:30-8:30 am. This group came out of the first Spokane Pastors Prayer Summit in 1991 and continues to meet and pray for Spokane some 26 years later. A variety of Christian leaders come now. I never cease to be amazed at what the Lord does as we gather. You are welcome. Pray revival fires kindle here and spread throughout the Inland Northwest.
ANSWER: After one Thursday’s discussion with on particular friend across the table, he and I both knew we needed to meet, which we did the next week. What a powerful connection. The Lord let me see who my friend of decades is in the Lord’s eyes. This brought us closer together than ever. May the Lord do the same thing throughout the body of Christ in Spokane.
5. REQUEST: Monday, 12/11/17, School Sex-Ed Curriculum Strategy meeting, 7:00-8:30 pm. Free Indeed Ministries’ vision and mission compels us to love and honor the students in Spokane enough to seek the very best education for their sake. Pray for the schools in our area to fulfill God’s purpose for education. “the transformation of the student.”
ANSWER: It is a joy to be walking with others of like mind. Meanwhile, Holy Spirit nudged me to read An Introduction to The Old Testament Template: Rediscovering God’s Principles for Discipling Nations by Landa Cope. It is profoundly helping my thinking and understanding on the issues of education and the other “mind molders” of society. I recommend this book highly.
6. REQUEST: Thursday, 12/14/17, Spokane Tribal Elders Christmas Dinner at noon at the Senior Center near Wellpinit. Robby and I will again be present to serve at this meal. Pray that our Creator-Father will pour out the anointing that builds community, the Spirit of understanding, on all gathered so that we will all love and honor each other as we live together on the land.
ANSWER: It was a wonderful meal and opportunity to cement relationships during the meal and as we worked in the kitchen afterward. Carol Evans, chairwoman of the Tribal Council, announced to the elders that the grand opening of the Spokane Tribe Casino on Highway 2 in Airway Heights will be January 8, 2018. We rejoice with them in the hope that the income will substantially help the tribe. We think this may be part of the Lord’s restitution for wrongs suffered.
Prayer Requests for January 2018
Please join us in praying for the next 30+ days of life and ministry:
Sunday, 12/31/17, 10:00 am, Robby and Daniel will lead worship and message at Lincoln Heights Community Church.
Thursday, 1/4/18, Chris Rodgers and Daniel have their first meeting to compare notes on leading people to Christ and discipling them.
Thursday, 1/4/18, 1:00-2:00 pm, Daniel will lead an online prayer session for Moody Bible Institute Spokane and Spiritual Revival in Spokane on the Aqueduct Project Prayer Center. You are invited to participate. If you’ve prayed on the prayer center before, look under “upcoming prayer services” for Thursday, January 4, 2018, at 1:00pm, Prayer Leader: Daniel Grether. If not, ask me for the instructions. Either way, please let us know if you can come.
Saturday, 1/6/18, updating with Volkhard and Marianne Graf who lead Native Ministries with the Nez Perce and others.
Sunday, 1/7/18, Grethers will join Sam O’Bannan in worship at Heart of the City, Coeur d’Alene, and then catch up with this young man we love.
Monday, 1/8/18, Grethers have been invited as honored guests to the Spokane Tribe Casino grand opening celebration.
Thursday, 1/11/18, 9:00 am, Daniel with Shawn MacKay.
Friday, 1/12/18, 9:30-11:30, Free Indeed Ministries Int’l annual board meeting.
Wednesday-Thursday, 1/17-18/18, Cascadia Summit at Horizon Church, Seattle.
Friday-Saturday, 1/19-20/18, two special Spokane Fatherhood Initiative events. Please join us. Details here.
Thursday, 1/25/18, Prayer Summit team working on Refresh Encounter for women in May and Spokane Prayer Summit in October.
Wednesday-Sunday, 1/31-2/4/18, Table 71 in Orlando and Pastor Nathan Georggi’s Family near Tampa.
We are so blessed to have you prayer warriors and intercessors standing with us in sustaining prayer.
We love and appreciate you. Thank you so much! May your reward be great.
Yours and Christ’s for a radiant Spokane that blesses all the families and peoples of the earth,
Daniel and Robby Grether