February 2020 Prayer Letter

Posted By on Feb 1, 2020 | 0 comments

Our Mission is… Knitting the Church together in love by equipping leaders, connecting communities and catalyzing movements.
Our Vision is… Every member of the body of Christ aligned with their God-given design: the fullness of Jesus revealed.

Dear Free Indeed Intercessors, 

The Well Spokane

Free Indeed Ministries is focused on knitting the body of Christ together in love. An illustration of how we function as a ministry throughout Spokane and beyond involves our many connectional relationships. One such connection is with dynamic Pastor Kaleb Fisher of City Church Spokane.

Long before I met Kaleb or even Free Indeed’s Joel Endress (Young Adults Pastor at Access Church), these two young men were walking closely together with a shared vision similar to that of Free Indeed. Along with other young leaders, they established a gathering called The Well Spokane. Kaleb explains on their website, “Our heart is to glorify God by seeking unity in the body of Christ through worship and prayer. The Well is made up of people from several different churches who are hungry for more of God and determined to see Spokane restored and united.”

LaRetta, Joel and Will Endress

LaRetta, Joel and Will Endress

Last evening, The Well convened at Covenant Church Spokane. Free Indeed was represented by Joel, LaRetta, almost-three-month-old son Will and me, all of whom had been at our Free Indeed board meeting earlier that day. We were all active participants in the meeting in a variety of ways, even Little Will. Our good friend Kaleb was the speaker-encourager with a compelling message to the youth, impacting everyone present.

The gathering was live-streamed and is posted on Facebook as well, continuing to knit the body of Christ together in love. You are invited to join your heart with ours in this passion for a radiant bride of Christ in Spokane.


Prayer Requests for February 2020

Please join in praying for two specific things coming up in the next month of life and ministry:

February 3-4 – Daniel will be at a Table 71 meeting at the Wycliffe USA headquarters in Orlando, FL. 

February 20 – Several of us Native Americans and “European Americans” will meet to get to know each other better for the sake of new relationships that can help connect our communities together in love.

Answered Prayers for January 2020

Answers in italics.

January – We will be pursuing our new primary kingdom focus on the Inland Northwest and the Washington State Initiative. Our prayer is, “As it is in heaven, so here, now, with us in the Inland Northwest.” We believe the Lord will connect us with his own anointed, holy ones for kingdom impact. The Lord is doing this.

January 9 – Robby is scheduled for knee-repair surgery. The surgery was “successful,” but Robby is suffering from knee pain in addition to hip pain. Please pray.

January 15-16 – Our regional Cascadia Gathering, again in Vantage WA. Both Joel Endress and I attended from Spokane. Worship, sharing, strong family ties, prophecies and strong words about discerning and loving the body of Christ, which leads to many being healed, were all so good. Audio files are available on request.

January 21, 11:00-1:00 – Loving Neighbors through Prayer Luncheon at Salvation Army, 204 E Indiana Ave., Spokane WA 99207. Jason Hubbard will be the keynote presenter. Jason gave an inspiring and helpful presentation to church leaders in Spokane. Click here to see a brief video of Jason and The Whatcom Story. 

January 28-29 – Daniel and Robby Grether celebrate their 54th anniversary at Ainsworth Hot Springs, BC Canada. Our favorite winter retreat provided pain-free hours for Robby and joy for both of us.

January 31 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l Board meeting. This was a most productive meeting. The Lord is helping us change and clarify our focus to be more pleasing to him and more fruitful. My report pointed to Acts 1:8, where Jesus calls us to concurrently “be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. Joel’s VP report was very helpful to me regarding our communication of what we are doing and how others can be involved. Robby’s additional input on specifics this morning helped as well. We have some work to do on this.

Thank you for following Free Indeed and co-laboring with us in prayer, financial support, and hands-on partnership.

Gratefully yours and Christ’s,

Daniel and Robby Grether