Dear Free Indeed Ministries Intercessors,
The most important news in this new year has to be an increased awareness of the incredible value of regular extended Abiding in Christ as fruitful branches in the vine, fresh revelation in the word and greater face-to-face intimacy with King Jesus. I’ll share just one tiny example.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so emotionally undone and brought to tears as when I recently looked up into Jesus’ face and he immediately conveyed a personal message beyond words to me of his love, close relationship and affirmation. I knelt down before him, scarcely able to comprehend the King of all kings and Lord of all lords speaking so personally to me with such impact.
Answered Prayers for January 2019
Answers in italics. *Asterisk: not requested, but answered.
January 3-5: Daniel and Robby have three days caring for four grandchildren while their parents have a refreshing getaway. Living with our grandchildren in their home is a great way to get to know them better.
January 5: Daniel will be sharing during a worship time at Larry and Reseda Dubay’s in Chattaroy, 1:00 pm. We connected well with new friends and they received our word.
January 9-10: A Cascadia Coalition regional gathering at Horizon Church, Seattle. This was a significant Cascadia, the end of one season and beginning of another, with anticipation of ongoing “family-relationship” meetings. We concluded with an extended time of personal ministry to each other, pictured below, and went home revived.
January 18: Free Indeed Ministries annual board meeting. We invited founding board member Mary Hoeft back onto full service on the FIMI Board.
January 25: 10:00 am, Joel Endress and Daniel meet for Free Indeed Ministries. Holy Spirit brought conviction, pruning, clarity and new direction.
3:00 pm, we are part of the My Father’s House of Prayer team meeting. The door of heaven opened to pour down new provision, which will make it possible to move strongly forward in the renovation of the house.
January 31: Our thanks to God as Robby and I celebrate our 53rd wedding anniversary. My radiant wife is pictured on the right and our good friend, Jessica, on the left, both full of love for God and each other.
Prayer Requests for February 2019
Please join us in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
February 1: Joel Endress and Daniel meet as Free Indeed.
February 13+27, 6:30-8:30 pm: Missionary friends home on furlough have been led to train willing disciples in Spokane to Abide in Christ, working as missional teams to make disciple-making disciples. Pray that Spokane will receive this God-given DNA to work in the harvest field during the nine weeks of this biblical-practical training going into March.
February 5-8: Robby with her mom in Seattle; Daniel at the Sonrise Apostolic Meeting at Sonrise Christian Center in Everett.
February 15: Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meeting when Mary Hoeft rejoins us.
February 19-22: Daniel and Robby are part of Table 71 meeting at YWAM Kona, Hawaii.
We are so grateful to have you standing with us in sustaining prayer. Much more happens because of your prayers than we can report. May your reward be great. We love and appreciate you so much!
Yours and Christ’s for a Spokane made radiant by the waves of God’s glory crashing over us that will in turn bless all the families and peoples of the earth,
Daniel and Robby Grether