December 2018 Prayer Letter

Posted By on Dec 3, 2018 | 0 comments

Dear Free Indeed Ministries Intercessors,

Five Men, part of The Harvest Network
Jesus told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. (Luke 10:2)


The harvest network is much on my mind as I pray the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest field. Our Lord doesn’t work alone; he has a whole network of harvesters working with him. The four young men in the picture above are some of those godly and passionate harvest workers  in our local area. It was a great privilege to meet again with Joel, Steven and Kaleb who know each other well. Dan, the fourth from the left, had recently asked me to arrange some time with all of us so that he could ask some questions. What a wonderful couple of hours together.

We adjourned to the sidewalk outside to pray over Kaleb for his message the next afternoon at City Church. If you can watch or listen to it, you will hear the shared vision for Spokane and the Inland Northwest that he and we carry. Kaleb Fisher – November 18, 2018, “The Adventure of Vision:” or

For a highlighted prayer letter, click: #121 December 2018 FIMI Prayer Letter

Answered Prayers for November 2018
In italics

The Lord has been transforming younger and older local people “from glory to glory” (2 Cor. 3:18). What a great privilege it is to be walking with some of them for mutual encouragement and transformation.  One such younger man with I whom I just reconnected has encouraged me to invite several of the other young men to a brief get together with him and me. Would you cover this with prayer, please? As mentioned above, all four young men and I were able and willing to meet together on a Saturday morning for rare and valuable time of conversation and prayer.

Throughout this month I will be paying close attention to my “new little heart” resulting from the Lord’s work on first day of the Spokane Prayer Summit. Pray I will learn what this heart is designed to do and then walk accordingly. I am learning. For sure the new heart has to do with the harvest and disciplining the nations.

November 1: Daniel will present Table 71 for the first hour of Dave Beine’s Oral Storying class at Great Northern University (GNU). It was delightful to be with Dr. Beine and his seven  students.

November 1-4: Daniel and Robby will attend selected sessions of the Aglow 2018 National Conference in Spokane. We are grateful that the Lord brought Aglow International to Spokane. The name of this conference was The Right Time and it most certainly was. Worship, plenary speakers, personal conversations and new connections were all good. The speakers moved us forward in heart, mind, spirit and clarity, especially regarding the harvest network, which is designed to disciple nations. Lance Wallnau, Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce and Graham Cooke’s messages were all well worth hearing.  We purchased a full set of audio MP3s and video MP4s of the these plenary speakers. If you would like to listen or watch them, we can share them freely with you. Audios are here.

November 7: the Annual Meeting of the Fairwood Park ll Homeowners Association, with Robby serving as the HOA secretary. The meeting went very well, short and sweet.

November 8: Meeting with Dr. Wendy Liddle, President of GNU. It was a very good time of getting to know each other and sharing things of the kingdom, especially the impacting the nations.

November 9: Daniel and Joel Endress meet most Fridays as Free Indeed. Our time together is so good and valuable. One key conversation was about how we have discipled new believers and how the Lord is shifting us into stronger discipleship.

November 14: we both serve at the Spokane Tribal Elders Thanksgiving Dinner in Wellpinit. This time we were able to meet and eat with a Spokane tribal member who has prayed around the reservation and on many sites. It is wonderful to have this new strong connection with the Tribe.

November 16: prayer for missionaries Jeremy and Jenell Morris and the tribe they serve in East Africa. Pray that they will finish well and that the discipleship movement will continue growing as they return home soon for a time. They did finish well and are now home in Washington State for a time. They left an indigenous Disciple Making Movement spreading to various villages, focused on abiding in Christ, being filled with the Holy Spirit, standing in unity as the body of Christ and taking the Gospel new villages. They also left a recently completed JESUS Film, Oral Bible Story Set and The Gospel of Luke in the tribe’s heart language.

November 19: not prayed for, but answered… Reshma and Bruce Allen spoke at the RAIN luncheon meeting. They travel the world in ministry most of every year and brought home a vibrant report of what the Lord is doing around the world and a recognition of what he is doing here as well. The report greatly encourages me because it confirms and expands on what we have been seeing. It is harvest time and the knowledge of the glory of the Lord is filling all the earth as the waters cover the sea. (Habakuk 2:14) Thanks to Ronald Lund, the Allens’ presentations can be enjoyed here.

Prayer Requests for December 2018
Please join us in praying for the next month of life and ministry:

The two weightiest things in our hearts and minds for December are the first two focus areas for prayer in our traditional prayer letters:
*Free Indeed Ministries Int’l to fulfill its calling to Spokane and the nations.
*Father to personally show up in full power Transforming Revival in our region and world.

We are definitely getting very close to our Father in heaven showing up in full power manifest waves of glory to move us the rest of the way into a Great Awakening-Transforming Revival. We take responsibility to keep this always in our prayers, before our eyes and in our speech and writing as we encourage the Church in Spokane and the Inland Northwest to fully prepare for his coming. We rejoice to see and hear many evidences of the greater power of God at work among us. We would love to share this fire in our bones with you in any venue or format.

It is time to prepare the harvest net for the great harvest in the Inland Northwest and the nations. The Lord of the harvest is not only answering our prayers for additional harvesters but he is also showing us our places along with others in our region and beyond. (Psalm 2:8)

Meanwhile, we also continue in prayer, relationship building and kingdom connections.

December 3: Mondays 6:00-8:00 pm are our hours in My Father’s House of Prayer.

December 7: Friday morning, the Free Indeed Ministries Team meets.

December 13: We serve at the Spokane Tribe Elders Christmas Dinner.

December 14: 10:00 am, Joel Endress and Daniel meet for Free Indeed Ministries.

Noon, John Johnson and Daniel, spiritual partnership.

3:00 pm, we are part of the My Father’s House of Prayer team meeting.

December 20: regular Thursday, 7:30 am, morning prayer at the Union Gospel Mission.

9:00 am, triplet prayer with Tim Reinbolt and David Wallace.

December a few days following Christmas: Visit with Robby’s 96 year-old mom Carol and brother Garth in Seattle.

We are so blessed to have you prayer warriors and intercessors standing with us in sustaining prayer. Much more happens because of your prayers than we can report. We love and appreciate you so much! May your reward be great.

Yours and Christ’s for a Spokane made radiant by the waves of God’s glory crashing over us that will in turn bless all the families and peoples of the earth,

Daniel and Robby Grether