Daniel and Robby Grether’s Prayer Letter
Dear Free Indeed Ministries Intercessors,
God is profoundly at work among us here in Spokane and the Inland NW every day. We believe that every family of the earth will be blessed by what the Greater Son of Abraham is doing in our midst. He is turning us, his followers, into a church full of the radiant glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As King Jesus said when he began his ministry on earth, “The time promised by God has come at last!” he announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!”
Please forgive the lateness of this prayer letter. You will see answers to prayer for November and December 1-2.
For a highlighted original version: #109 December 2017 FIMI Prayer Letter
Answered Prayers for November 2017
1. REQUEST: First the big request regarding the ministry calling of Free Indeed Ministries.
“Daniel carries a mantle to proclaim the radiant glory of Jesus Christ here in Spokane and the Inland Northwest as it is in heaven, which will also bless all the people groups on earth.” It’s not enough to talk about this vision; it’s time to accomplish real change in a real city. Habakkuk 2:2 is burning in me, “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” Would you pray for the Lord to anoint me, Robby and our team to be able to write, on one page, an umbrella declaration of what God is doing in our city? Then may a clarion call go out for the whole Ecclesia to come together with strong unity in which each will be doing his or her part.
ANSWER: The Lord gave clarity that the “tip of the spear” for this declaration, what we are to aim for, is “…at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:10-11) Every time I share this vision with another person, Holy Spirit adds life and brings more clarity. Lord, help me!
2. REQUEST: Wednesday, 11/1/17, our Fairwood Park ll Homeowners Association Annual Meeting. Robby is currently the secretary. Pray for the well-being of our neighborhood, “blessed to be a blessing.”
ANSWER: The attendance at the meeting was excellent, including many new homeowners. The discussions of big issues were energetic, rambunctious and productive. We got to know our neighbors better and relational equity increased.
3. REQUEST: Friday morning, 11/3/17, Joel Endress and Daniel as part of Free Indeed. Pray the Lord increase the effectiveness the anointing we share together and with others.
ANSWER: One of our meetings this month was especially productive. We gained understanding of what we should be working on in the city.
Late afternoon, Daniel and Robby will meet with Scott and Noreen McConnell. Our relationship has been built as we work together on My Father’s House of Prayer. Pray the Lord give us and the rest of the team his next steps for the House.
ANSWER: The Lord did a great thing among the whole My Father’s House of Prayer team throughout the whole month. The Lord strengthened, highlighted value and brought needed reconciliation among us. By the end of our Friday, 11/17, meeting, some relationships were “better than ever” and all were now top notch. Hope had been restored, creativity rose up, Holy Spirit was present right there with us and the angels were more in evidence and next steps were clearly delineated.
4. REQUEST: Saturday evening, 11/4/17, prayer meeting for Jeremy and Jenell Morris who are working with an unreached people in East Africa. They exemplify the passionate young people of Spokane who are going to the mission fields of the world. Pray for the people group they serve, discipleship training coming up for the first believers and the oral and written Bibles that are being prepared for them.
ANSWER: Over 50 new believers from different villages gathered in one place this week for discipleship training, relationship building and encouragement. Jeremy expressed that he is “overwhelmed by what God has done.”
5. REQUEST: Wednesday noon, 1/15/17, we will share and serve at the Thanksgiving dinner with the Spokane Tribal elders. Pray for the anointing that builds community to knit our peoples together in love.
ANSWER: Many expressed their gratitude for us coming to serve at their special meals. Our time included informative, relationship building conversations with some key people.
6. REQUEST: Saturday, 10:00-4:00, Bridges Training at Northview Bible Church in using discovery Bible questions to build bridges with immigrants in Spokane as well as around the world. Pray for Daniel and other attendees to learn well and be more fruitful.
ANSWER: The training was good; the new relationships with others of similar missionary passion was even better.
7. REQUEST: We conclude the month with family times. Robby’s mom and brother and son-in-law Jamie’s mom will join us and our daughter Amy’s family in Spokane for Thanksgiving.
ANSWER: It was wonderful having Carol and Garth once again in our home at Thanksgiving. It was extra special to have Sarah Voelkel Morrison, Jamie’s mom, with us for her first Thanksgiving in Spokane. Garth and Daniel spent a lot of time getting Garth set up for Facebook on his new Chromebook. Working closely together on a unfamiliar-to-both-of-us electronic device was challenging, but we overcame together and now have a closer relationship than ever.
The following Tuesday-Thursday, 11/28-30/17, Robby and I will be with our four grandchildren while their parents are away. We are so blessed with these relationships. Pray that Holy Spirit will flow out from all of the good relationships with the Lord Jesus and each other to bless the other families of the world. (Genesis 12:3)
ANSWER: The Morrison household contains two teenage boys (now in schools away from home) and two younger girls (still being home schooled). They are in sports and church activities as well. We experienced these activities of their home up close and had very special times with each child. What a privilege. How we appreciate their parents!
Prayer Requests for December 2017
1. REQUEST: Friday, 12/1/17, 10:00 am, Daniel and Joel Endress, regular Friday Free Indeed meeting. Pray for ongoing revelation of what the Lord is doing and saying so that “FIMI” can keep in step with the Spirit.
ANSWER: Holy Spirit led us through an amazing conversation of testimonies and discouragements, hope deferred and hope restored (Proverbs 13:12), depression and deliverance, hearing God’s voice and seemingly not hearing it. The Lord is working deeply in the “thoughts and intents” of our hearts. He, we believe, is preparing his Church in Spokane to hear of the radiant glory of Christ that our Father has prepared for this region.
3:00-5:00, My Father’s House of Prayer team, regular Friday meeting. Pray for forward movement in getting this physical and spiritual house built and in full service.
ANSWER: With restored relationships, renewed hope and the Lord’s vibrant work in each of us, there is again forward movement as we meet together. Work on the restoration of the house continues.
6:00-midnight, every Friday evening, an open session worship and prayer time in My Father’s House of Prayer is led by Rand and Becky Miller. You are invited. Come and go as you are led; stay for the whole time for the full blessing.
ANSWER: Simply stated, those who come and participate in the worship, prayer, fellowship and relationship building are being transformed and were again on Friday evening.
2. REQUEST: Saturday, 12/2/17, 9:00 am, Daniel meets with Mike Sheridan, Spokane Prayer Initiative. Pray for this growing relationship to thrive and produce good fruit for the kingdom.
ANSWER: The Lord met us powerfully during our time together.
3. REQUEST: Monday, 12/4/17, RAIN NW Annual Christmas Dinner at Canaan Buffet, 6:00 pm. Dr. Bruce and Reshma Allen will be speaking. RAIN monthly meetings led by Jerry and Chip Foster are a “watering hole” for me as people in ministry gather and share. Likewise, the testimonies from Bruce and Reshma are uplifting. You are welcome. Pray anointing on this gathering for kingdom expansion.
4. REQUEST: Thursday, 12/7/17, morning Prayer at the Union Gospel Mission, 7:30-8:30 am. This group came out of the first Spokane Pastors Prayer Summit in 1991 and continues to meet and pray for Spokane some 26 years later. A variety of Christian leaders come now. I never cease to be amazed at what the Lord does as we gather. You are welcome. Pray revival fires kindle here and spread throughout the Inland Northwest.
5. REQUEST: Monday, 12/11/17, School Sex-Ed Curriculum Strategy meeting, 7:00-8:30 pm. Free Indeed Ministries’ vision and mission compels us to love and honor the students in Spokane enough to seek the very best education for their sake. Pray for the schools in our area to fulfill God’s purpose for education.. “the transformation of the student.”
6. REQUEST: Thursday, 12/14/17, Spokane Tribal Elders Christmas Dinner at noon at the Senior Center near Wellpinit. Robby and I will again be present to serve at this meal. Pray that our Creator-Father will pour out the anointing that builds community, the Spirit of understanding, on all gathered so that we will all love and honor each other as we live together on the land.
I continue to recommend one of our all time favorite books for your consideration, The Forgotten Awakening: How the Great Awakening Spread West of the Rockies. This account highlights Chief Spokan Garry who brought the Gospel to the Columbia Plateau Tribes. It is heartwarming and hopeful that after great injustices, there can yet be a redemptive end to the story of our inter-relationships with the tribes.
We are so blessed to have you prayer warriors and intercessors standing with us in sustaining prayer. We love and appreciate you. Thank you so much! May your reward be great.
Yours and Christ’s for a radiant Spokane that blesses all the families and peoples of the earth,
Daniel and Robby Grether