August 2019 Prayer Letter

Posted By on Aug 1, 2019 | 0 comments

Hope and DanielleTwo ladies were on our team of four sharing the love of Jesus.

Dear Free Indeed Intercessors,

Jesus went around doing good and healing…

And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. Acts 10:38 NLT

Several times during June and July, I’ve gone out someplace in the city with small teams of younger people, starting with the Awaken Northwest Workshop. Our goal is always to do good and heal like Jesus does by his leading, love and ability. It seems like a lot more of this is going on in Spokane just now.

In a meeting last Saturday morning, my friend Neil Gamble shared his testimony. One particular day in his life stood out, when Jesus invited him to go for a walk together to the other side of their small town. Jesus promised to have Neil back in time for an appointment later in the day, but continued to lead Neil off on side trips because there was someone there he wanted him to see. On each occasion, just the right ministry was given to the person(s) involved. Neil finally realized that these visits were not distractions, but rather exactly what Jesus wants us to do with him all the time. It became a primary principal in his fruitful ministry around the world: Neil disciples others to do what Jesus taught him to do.

These trainings, experiences and testimonies began to connect in me. This “doing good to others” is not insignificant nor optional. It is what Jesus did and still does in and through his body. The impact of listening for his leading and obediently doing what he says as we walk day by day is huge. Recipients of our obedience receive the love and power of Jesus’ ministry, which will transform their lives. 

3 Andreys editedThree young men named Andrey. The middle Andrey was on our team of four sharing.

Prayer Requests for August 2019

Please join us in praying for the next month of life and ministry:

August 1, Daniel meets with Matt Shea to share testimonies of what God is doing.

August 6, 7:00 pm at the Healing Rooms, Daniel will be at National Tour: A Time to Plow, Preparing the Land for Awakening with Dutch Sheet and Chuck Pierce.

August 16-20, John and Holly Roddam from Halifax will be our house guests, speaking at the RAIN luncheon on the 19th.

August 18-29, Free Indeed’s Joel Endress and a videographer, both working at Partners International, will travel to three nations in the Middle East to interview and take needed footage of partner ministries.

August 21-29, Robby and I will be camping at Sam Owen Campground on Pend Oreille Lake. Our daughter Amy Morrison’s family will join us for several days and nights.

August 31-September 1, Robby and I will be part of a team offering prayer at the Spokane Tribe Pow Wow.

Answered Prayers for July 2019

Answers in italics.

July 2, Four of us from the regional Cascadia Coalition are gathering to pray for this network which is undergoing a leadership transition. The Lord met us as we sought him. We came away encouraged, focused and looking forward to our scheduled September meeting.

July 3-6, Robby Grether visits her mother Carol Robertson and brother Garth Stacy in Seattle. Robby traveled safely and had a good visit.

July 15, Peter Carlson of Corvallis, Jason Hubbard of Bellingham and Daniel Grether of Spokane (with an additional person from each city) aim again to have our first hour of three cities triplet prayer by Zoom. There was rich fellowship, encouragement and blessing.

July 28, our 16-year old grandson, Nate Morrison, returned home for his 5-week Royal Servants Mission Trip to Costa Rica. He was a “happy camper.” He learned to be led by Holy Spirit “nudges” to people the Lord wanted him to share the Gospel with.

We are so grateful to have you standing with us in sustaining prayer. Much more happens because of your prayers than we can report. May your reward be great. We love and appreciate each of you so much!

Yours and Christ’s for a Spokane made radiant by the waves of God’s glory crashing over us that will in turn bless all the families and peoples of the earth,

Daniel and Robby Grether

PS The 1889 Victorian home being transformed into My Father’s House of Prayer has a new lovely coat of paint. 

MFHOP-new paint