Dear Free Indeed Intercessors,
Pulling the King’s Carriage by Bill Britton
“So Christ himself gave… to equip his people… until we all… become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” Ephesians 4:11-13
“Before God can commit a ministry into a person’s hands they must submit themselves to the discipline of the Lord letting Him truly be the Lord of their entire lives. We have long since dealt with the question of open sin but now God is dealing with the inward rebellion of our own wills.”
This message by Bill Britton about free-frolicking young horses and sleek-disciplined older horses that have the privilege of pulling the King’s Carriage has deeply impacted me now even more than when I heard it decades ago. I encourage you to click on the link and read this God-given story if you want to excel at serving King Jesus and receive his “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
How I long for the Lord’s “well done!” In 1978, I was desperate to get back on track to my childhood calling to become a pastor. The wise prophet I consulted said that I would need to fulfill the required disciplines to do so. I wanted to say, “Isn’t there an easier way?” But I realized I had trod that “easier” path for 12 years.”
Then the Lord showed me a multiple-ending vision. If I continued as a part-time, half-baked worker in the church, there would be no “well done.” If I chose to fulfill the disciplines that were necessary for ordination and service, there would be a “well-done.” That settled the matter; our family of four would move to another state soon so Daddy could become obedient to his call.
It’s 2021 now. The Lord is calling his whole Church to “become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” That requires disciplined and complete obedience to everything he calls us to do, without exceptions or excuses.
In the 1978 vision the Lord didn’t tell me how much “well done” I would get if I obeyed. I judge that in 2021 I must deal with my will and discipline myself to stricter obedience in order to get that “very well done indeed, my son.”
I want to be one of the magnificent horses that pulls the King’s Carriage.
Answered Prayers for March 2021
Answers in italics.
Wednesdays, March 3f – The Aqueduct Project Board of Intercessors. This is a new, delightful weekly assignment for Daniel. The Aqueduct Project includes both multiple and multiplying Zoom prayer rooms and online Theological education for the 90+% of pastors around the world that have none. It is a privilege to pray with the founder, Dr. Jonathan Armstrong (whom I met when he was a professor at Moody Bible Institute in Spokane) and several other committed intercessors.
Thursday, March 4 – Local pastors meet with national BGEA leaders to consider having a Will Graham Festival in Spokane next year. It was good to meet and hear from the two who came. Sadly, there weren’t enough pastors present to extend a strong invitation for the Festival. Following the meeting, Salvation Sgt/Major Ian Robertson, former officer Linda Johnson and I had a spontaneous fruitful kingdom time together..
– Daniel presents Table 71 to Dave Beine’s class at GNU. The class with Dave and Luke went well and built us together.
Friday, March 5 – Steven Damerville and Daniel meet. Our times are very valuable to Steven and me. We have both been experiencing deeper repentance to move us forward. I have been calling what God is doing a “transition into the new,” but Holy Spirit substituted the word “transfiguration,” every bit as significant and amazing as a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. This is explained well in The Story of Imaginal Cells.
Thursday-Friday, March 11-12 – Revival Fire: Church Awakening Conference at Westgate Chapel in Edmonds WA, either by attending or live-streaming. Revival fires were rekindled in me during the first morning session with Vanessa Hunt. An invitation was extended to come forward to meet alone with the Promise Giver, seeking fulfillment for promises that haven’t yet been fulfilled. I was at the altar with alone with Jesus. He met me and reminded me of numerous times with him over the decades, breathed new life into them and brought them into the present for such a time as this. It was powerful and empowering. (Videos of the five plenary speakers are available at
Friday March 19 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meeting. This was a full meeting with testimonies, ministry to each other, initial planning for ministry through videos, prophetic words, a report from the Revival Fire Conference and agreement to take part in My Father’s House of Prayer in Spokane’s “Last $1,000 Campaign.”
Saturday, March 20 – WA Kingdom Alliance Strategic Prayer Gathering. This Prayer Gathering continues to be spiritually vibrant and strategic, focused on Washington State, but not stopping there.
Prayer Requests for April 2021
Please join in praying for the next month of life and ministry:
Fridays, April 2f – Joel Endress and Daniel Grether meet
– Marc McConnell and Daniel Grether meet once a month
Tues-Wed, April 6-7 – Robby and Daniel visit Robby’s Mom in Seattle
Friday, April 12 – Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meeting
Saturday, April 17 – WA Kingdom Alliance Strategic Prayer Gathering.
Thank you for following and co-laboring with us in prayer, financial support and hands-on partnership. You are deeply appreciated!
Yours and Christ’s for the Acts 1:8 ministry in Spokane, the Inland Northwest, Cascadia and the ends of the earth.
Daniel and Robby Grether