April 2019 Prayer Letter

Posted By on Apr 1, 2019 | 0 comments

Sheena and Randy Artz

Sheena and Randy Artz

Joe Standing Bear

Joe Standing Bear

Dear Free Indeed Ministries Intercessors,

Our hearts are so blessed by the delightful, surprising, rich connections with the Lord’s kids this month. Let me share just two.

We were in Costco Friday evening and Randy Artz came up and greeted me warmly. I introduced him to my wife Robby and he introduced us to his wife Sheena. They were preparing for the ninth weekly dinner they’ve served with live music and a brief message of Good News at the West End Community Center of the Spokane Tribe Reservation. They both have Native American heritage and a deep love and willingness to serve the community. We were excited to hear the good report.

Saturday afternoon, we attended a worship gathering in an over-a-garage-apartment in Chattaroy. We were surprised and delighted to find that our friend Joe Standing Bear, who loves street ministry, was now living in the apartment. It was thrilling to hear him share with all of the things that have happened in his life since I last talked with him. As with many of us, he has gone through some very hard things and a number of transitions which the Lord used to “prune this fruitful branch” of Jesus, the Vine. One of my favorite parts of his story was how the Lord used Spirit-led questions so that he could identify the hindrances in his relationship with Holy Spirit, Jesus and our Father. Then he was led to ask, “Where were You when these things were happening?” The result was a totally healed relationship with every member of the godhead and a most intimate relationship with the Lord. As he walks out this intimacy with the Lord in vulnerability and transparency with those around him, they grow in their relationship with the Lord, too. 

An audio of Joe’s testimony is available here or ask for it to be emailed to you.

View highlighted Letter April 2019 Prayer Letter

Answered Prayers for March 2019
Answers in italics. *Asterisk: not requested, but answered.

March 6, 6:30 pm: Abiding in Christ and Making Disciples Training continues on Wednesday evenings. Jeremy and Jenell trained us so well in our weekly meetings. Those of us participating did receive the DNA that started the movement to Christ in East Africa so that we could use what we learned on this mission field. Jeremy will be leaving us with audio recordings, Power Points and “lesson plans.” They and another couple on the field are offering monthly Skype calls of ongoing coaching for us here in Spokane. If you are interested in learning more or participating, let us hear from you.

March 12, 2-3 pm: Daniel presents the Table 71 mission partnership to Dr. David Beine’s class at Great Northern University. It was a privilege and joy to share the ongoing account of Table 71 with this semester’s students.

March 15: The Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team meets. Pray that we can shift well into the new day that is upon us. The four of us able to participate in the meeting enjoyed updating and conversation about questions the team is working on. Intriguing possibilities opened up for Free Indeed to expand our stakes.

March 17, 10 am: Daniel is speaking at Faith Tabernacle in Colville WA. Pray that he will have the Lord’s message for this congregation. The Lord gave breakthrough for the double message on “Fishing and Farming.” Robby and I had a wonderful full day of renewing relationships with the congregation. 

Unscheduled, led by the Spirit: Pray that we will “care for the little ones” as God commanded and be led by divine appointments to the other kingdom connectors in the Inland Northwest. I’m looking at a full list of divine appointments with other kingdom connectors that weren’t on the calendar at the beginning of the month. At that time I was wondering how the Lord was going to get us together with those I had seen in the Spirit. Now I stand amazed at all that he did as we were going through the month, especially in the last several days. He is knitting the body of Christ together in love. He is filling the earth with the knowledge of his glory as the waters cover the sea. There is no one like our God; he is so good at what he does!

Prayer Requests for April 2019
Please join us in praying for the next month of life and ministry:

April has our regular meetings on the calendar and a lot of room for more divine appointments. I’m greatly encouraged to re-connect with a number of younger men that I know as well as those that the Lord adds.

April 12, 9:30-11:30 am: Our Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team comes together again for the Lord to re-align us for this new day. If you are willing and able please take a look at our Mission and Vision statements and pray the Lord do these things through us.

Not scheduled yet, Robby hopes to visit with her mother in Seattle this month.

We are so grateful to have you standing with us in sustaining prayer. Much more happens because of your prayers than we can report. May your reward be great. We love and appreciate you so much!

Yours and Christ’s for a Spokane made radiant by the waves of God’s glory crashing over us that will in turn bless all the families and peoples of the earth,

Daniel and Robby Grether