November 2017 Prayer Letter

Posted By on Nov 1, 2017 | 0 comments

Daniel and Robby Grether’s Prayer Letter

Dear Free Indeed Ministries Intercessors,

The Lord continues to transform us and the Church of Spokane “from glory to glory” day by day. The Monday-Wednesday Spokane Prayer Summit at the beginning of October was wonderful and anointed by the Holy Spirit. It certainly put my heart in good order. I participated in the first Friday evening of the biblical Feast of Tabernacles at New Covenant Fellowship two days later. It started with a literal feast. Many little children were with their mommies and daddies during the meal. As we older children and adults went to enter into the sanctuary, my renewed heart felt like it was in the band of Israelites going up to Jerusalem together for the feast 2,000 years ago and then dancing with those saints. What childlike joy I experienced.

The next several nights as I knelt by the bed in prayer before the Father, for the first time I felt the excitement of a little child running to his “Daddy” and leaping into his arms or giving him a hug with great delight, trust and eager anticipation of new things, like the little children at the feast seeking out a beloved parent. I remembered that Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” I sense it will be much easier to transition into the new things the Lord is doing now with this new childlike attitude and love for my Daddy.

Providentially, Robby and I recently heard about a message that Pastor Jim Leuschen of New Covenant Fellowship gave earlier in this year’s feast. It did a great work in my newly childlike heart when I first heard it. His subject is the Anointing. But not as he or I have ever understood it. He gives a glimpse into where the Lord would like to take us and we would like to go. I recommend listening to this audio: Anointing Grace Power Place.

For a highlighted original version November 2017 Prayer Letter

Answered Prayers for October 2017

1. REQUEST: Monday morning through lunch Wednesday, 10/2-4/17, the Spokane Regional Leaders Prayer Summit we have been preparing for since last October. Robby and I, Joel Endress and Marc McConnell, all members of the Free Indeed team, will be among the 40 attendees. We are all stepping away from our regular routines and going away for a meeting with God. Pray that it will indeed be a meeting with God.

ANSWER: This was a meeting with God! Here are some testimonies of our time together… “Jesus has to be our first and primary focus. He says, ‘Slow down! Don’t pass me up for what you are doing. I created you to worship and bring my praise in the earth.’”  And more testimonies with a singular focus… “We are learning to love people.” “I see earthquakes of love.” “People’s affection and love for each other.” “Honor and appreciation for each other: ‘one accord.’”

Serious Prayer on Wednesday morn at the Spokane Prayer Summit

Serious Prayer on Wednesday morn at the Spokane Prayer Summit

2. REQUEST: Friday, 10/6/17, 9:30-11:30 am, Free Indeed Ministries Int’l team. We’ll be debriefing the Prayer Summit. Pray also for the Lord’s wisdom regarding starting a “Free Indeed Company” meeting.

ANSWER: We had a very bright meeting as the four of us who went to the prayer summit shared highlights. We were glad to have had a part in “knitting the body of Christ together in love.” The “Free Indeed Company” needs more time in prayer-preparation before it is ready to launch.

3. REQUEST: Tues-Wed, 10/9-10/17, Table 71 meeting in Orlando. All members have been asked to present their updated goals for 2020 and explain the primary “essential element or elements” of completing the Great Commission that they are focusing on. Pray Holy Spirit will actively bring us new revelation from this exercise.

ANSWER: There was a special intimacy of relationships as we sat for the first time in smaller groups at round tables. The lead intercessor for Table 71 was in the room with us praying during the whole meeting. She joined our table for lunch and shared rich, timely insights for Spokane.

4. REQUEST: Fri-Sat, 10/13-21/17, is our “recharging time” at a beach-side cabin on Whidbey Island close to Deception Pass graciously made available to us by a good friend. Pray for the Lord’s work in us as we rest.

ANSWER: Robby and I had a wonderful refreshing time away at the cabin with storms and a great hike plus a day drive up to Whistler Mountain north of Vancouver B.C. Canada. I took the time to read Angel WillSon’s Over the Rainbow: God’s Eye for the Gay Guy book. He had given it to me before the prayer summit where he was our worship leader. As I read the book, I learned the depth of the Lord’s preparation in him for his uncommon ministry. My heart was deeply touched and tenderized by his story.

5. REQUEST: Fri-Mon, 10/27-31/17, Robby visits her mother in Seattle. These visits are precious as Robby cares for her mom and brother. Pray for the travel and visit.

ANSWER: All went well for a wonderful visit.

Prayer Requests for November 2017

1. First the big request regarding the ministry calling of Free Indeed Ministries.

“Daniel carries a mantle to proclaim the radiant glory of Jesus Christ here in Spokane and the Inland Northwest as it is in heaven, which will also bless all the people groups on earth.” It’s not enough to talk about this vision; it’s time to accomplish real change in a real city. Habakkuk 2:2 is burning in me, “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.” Would you pray for the Lord to anoint me, Robby and our team to be able to write, on one page, an umbrella declaration of what God is doing in our city? Then may a clarion call go out for the whole Ecclesia to come together with strong unity in which each will be doing his or her part.

2. REQUEST: Wednesday, 11/1/17, our Fairwood Park ll Homeowners Association Annual Meeting. Robby is currently the secretary. Pray for the well-being of our neighborhood, “blessed to be a blessing.”

3. REQUEST: Friday morning, 11/3/17, Joel Endress and Daniel as part of Free Indeed. Pray the Lord increase the effectiveness the anointing we share together and with others.

Late afternoon, Daniel and Robby will meet with Scott and Noreen McConnell. Our relationship has been built as we work together on My Father’s House of Prayer. Pray the Lord give us and the rest of the team his next steps for the House.

4. REQUEST: Saturday evening, 11/4/17, prayer meeting for Jeremy and Jenell Morris who are working with an unreached people in East Africa. They exemplify the passionate young people of Spokane who are going to the mission fields of the world. Pray for the people group they serve, discipleship training coming up for the first believers and the oral and written Bibles that are being prepared for them.

5. REQUEST: Wednesday noon, 1/15/17, we will share and serve at the Thanksgiving dinner with the Spokane Tribal eldersPray for the anointing that builds community to knit our peoples together in love.

6. REQUEST: Saturday, 10:00-4:00, Bridges Training at Northview Bible Church in using discovery Bible questions to build bridges with immigrants in Spokane as well as around the world. Pray for Daniel and other attendees to learn well and be more fruitful.

7. REQUEST: We conclude the month with family times. Robby’s mom and brother and son-in-law Jamie’s mom will join us and our daughter Amy’s family in Spokane for Thanksgiving. The following Tuesday-Thursday, 11/26-28/17, Robby and I will be with our four grandchildren while their parents are away. We are so blessed with these relationships. Pray that Holy Spirit will flow out from all of the good relationships with the Lord Jesus and each other to bless the other families of the world. (Genesis 12:3)

We are so blessed to have you prayer warriors and intercessors standing with us in sustaining prayer. We love and appreciate you. Thank you so much! May your reward be great.

Yours and Christ’s for a radiant Spokane that blesses all the families and peoples of the earth,

Daniel and Robby Grether